Nature & Parks > Practices for the sustainable use and management of natural resources
Practices for the sustainable use and management of natural resources
As part of the activities of the Satoyama Initiative, whose aim is to realize societies in harmony with nature, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan has categorized and put together practices for sustainable management of natural resources and related cases that have the potential to contribute to the maintenance and rebuilding of socio-ecological production landscapes.
This document also serves to provide an idea of the activities of "collecting, analyzing, and deriving lessons from cases and promoting the dissemination of information related to technology", which form part of the proposed activities of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative. However, the categories for the practices in the following table are not definite, and assumed to be added or revised depending on future research.
(The practices and their relevance to the perspectives of the Satoyama Initiative)
The practices were categorized in the context of their relevance to the five perspectives of the Satoyama Initiative .
Fig1. Structural image of information shown on this page
1. Structuring of practices and their relevance to the "five perspectives" of the Satoyama Initiative
Practices are classified into ten categories. Each category relates to the "five perspectives" of the Satoyama Initiative as follows:
Table 1: List of practices
Resource use within the carrying capacity and resilience of the environment |
Cyclic use of natural resources |
Recognition of the value and importance of local traditions and cultures |
Natural resource management by various participating and cooperating entities |
Contributions to local socio-economies |
Category 1 |
Securing a functional resource-circulation system through the introduction of compound, multilayered land use [PDF 62KB] (agroforestry, home garden, mosaic land use etc.) |
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Category 2 |
Introduction of agriculture, forestry and fishery with consideration for the conservation of biological and ecological functions [PDF 63KB] (permaculture, organic farming, low-input farming, ecosystem-friendly farming and forestry, resource controlling fishery etc.) |
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Category 3 |
Effective utilization of multidimensional functions of ecosystem services using vegetation [PDF 70KB] (bioshield, forest-conservation-based erosion control etc.) |
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Category 4 |
Development of local industries and local revitalization using traditional culture and technologies [PDF 58KB] (community business, handicraft, development of local specialties etc.) |
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Category 5 |
Biomass utilization within the carrying capacity of local natural resources [PDF 81KB] (utilization of biomass energy and biomass materials) |
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Category 6 |
Mechanisms of joint forest management and use and profit sharing among participants [PDF 70KB] (community forestry, social forestry, residential forestry etc.) |
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Category 7 |
Channeling of the profits from cultural ecosystem services into natural resources management [PDF 55KB] (eco tourism, green tourism, agri-tourism etc.) |
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Category 8 |
Promotion of agriculture and conservation of farmland by linking farmers and consumers [PDF 51KB] (CSA, community food system, box scheme, local production for local consumption, cooperation between producers and consumers etc.) |
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Category 9 |
Conservation and management of upstream forests by fishermen and water users [PDF 71KB] (watershed management, upstream and downstream cooperation etc.) |
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Category 10 |
The mechanism of incorporating corporate social responsibility toward biodiversity into sustainable management of natural resources [PDF 67KB] (biodiversity offset, mitigation banking, environmental labeling and mechanism of fund raising linked with CSR activities etc.) |
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2. List of cases and their relevance to the practices
Forty-two cases are introduced in table 2 (among these, 15 are in Japan and 27 are around the world).
Each case relates to the practices as follows:
Table 2: List of cases
1 |
Beef and horsemeet cattle farming inheriting traditional "makihata" in Nishinoshima Town, Oki Islands, Japan [PDF 655KB] |
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2 |
Agriculture coexisting with crested ibises in Niigata, Japan [PDF 143KB] |
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3 |
Agriculture aiming for coexistence with white storks in Toyooka City, Hyogo, Japan [PDF 170KB] |
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4 |
Reforestation by public works for the purpose of restoring ecosystem service in the Rokko Mountain Range, Japan [PDF 326KB] |
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5 |
Restoration of coastal forest for the purpose of recovery of marine resources and improvement of living environment in Cape Erimo, Hokkaido, Japan [PDF 278KB] |
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6 |
Kamikatsu-cho, Tokushima, Japan: Sale of "tsumamono" (garnish) that focuses on natural resources and traditional food culture in the area [PDF 111KB] |
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7 |
Reintroduction of traditional agriculture toward the conservation of the natural environment and the historic and cultural environment in the Zushi-Onoji region, Machida City, Tokyo, Japan [PDF 117KB] |
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8 |
Ochi-cho, Kochi, Japan: Sustainable cultivation of natural medicine continued in collaboration between farmers and a herbal medicine company [PDF 153KB] |
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9 |
Regional circulation that combines the biogas power generation with agriculture and livestock husbandry in Kyoto, Japan [PDF 496KB] |
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10 |
Conservation activities of rice paddy terraces in Ishibu, Shizuoka, Japan and "Shizuoka One Company, One Village Campaign" [PDF 158KB] |
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11 |
Town revitalization through the utilization of the history and culture of the community in Kanakura, Machino Town, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan [PDF 111KB] |
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12 |
System of rice growing that enhances the value of local living and locally-oriented consumption in Kanagawa, Japan [PDF 232KB] |
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13 |
Satoyama management and use activities in Hadano, Kanagawa, Japan and support through water source conservation measures of the Prefectural Government [PDF 135KB] |
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14 |
Forests are Lover of the Sea campaign in the basin of the Ohkawa River in Miyagi, Japan [PDF 167KB] |
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15 |
Forest management by various involved parties in Nishiyama area of Nagaokakyo City, Japan [PDF 258KB] |
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1 |
Revitalization of Satoyama, Hampyeong-gun, Sangok-ri, Mopyeong-maur in Korea [in preparation] |
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2 |
Use and management of "muyong" in Ifugao province, northern Luzon island in the Philippines [external link] |
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3 |
The managenent and use of the natural resources in a mountain village of central Vietnam [in preparation] |
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4 |
The communuty fishery of Tonle Sap, Cambodia [in preparation] |
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5 |
Land use and natural resource utilization and management in Kampoing Cham, Cambodia [external link] |
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6 |
Community forestry in Thailand [external link] |
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7 |
Creation and management of diverse secondary forest in central Sulawesi, Indonesia [external link] |
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8 |
Homegardens: sustainable land use systems in Wayanad, Kerala, India [external link] |
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9 |
The Maasai who started agriculture [PDF 869KB] |
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10 |
Natural resources use and management in Malawi [in preparation] |
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11 |
Natural environment of North Malawi and way of life of the Tumbuka people (Semi-arid example) [PDF 127KB] |
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12 |
Desert elephant eco-tourism by the Himba tribe, Namibia (desert example) [PDF 171KB] |
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13 |
Landscape management in Germany [PDF 742KB] |
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14 |
Hedgerows across England [PDF 1.06MB] |
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15 |
The work of the LIFE Project on the agricultural landscape in the southern part of the island of Oland, Sweden [PDF 1.22MB] |
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16 |
Sustainable forests use by the First Nations and First Nation Forestry Program (FNFP) in Canada [PDF 121KB] |
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17 |
The sustainable use and biodiversity of paddies, fields, and secondary forests in Louisiana [PDF 205KB] |
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18 |
Sustainable cattle ranches at the American High Plains in United Sates [PDF 620KB] |
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19 |
Forest management through Community-based Forest Enterprises in Ixtlan de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico [external link] |
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20 |
The coffee cultivation of the environmental consideration methods in Costa Rica [PDF 81KB] |
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21 |
The Ayllu system of the Potato Park (Peru) [external link] |
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22 |
Land use and biodiversity on Chacras in northeast Argentina [PDF 181KB] |
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23 |
Agriculture in harmony with nature in the state of Queensland, Australia [PDF 552KB] |
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24 |
Landscape management by Indigenous Bush Fire in Northern Territory of Australia [PDF 840KB] |
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25 |
Living by utilizing various modified natural resources in the Solomon Islands [PDF 339KB] |
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26 |
Agroforestry in American Samoa [PDF 810KB] |
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27 |
Highly Productive and Nature-harmonious Sweet Potato Farming in the Papua New Guinea Highlands [PDF 684KB] |
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Note:Information shown above contains the results of projects carried out by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan as well as research conducted by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) with the support from the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.The projects of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan were assigned
to and undertaken by Japan Wildlife Research Center and PREC Institute Inc.