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Press Release

Sixth Substantive Meeting of Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development

December 3, 2004

The Sixth Substantive Meeting of Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development (APFED) was held in Tokyo, Japan, on December 2 and 3, to deliberate and adopt its Final Documents. The Forum, chaired by Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, former Prime Minister of Japan, was established at ECO ASIA, a meeting of environmental ministers in the Asia-Pacific region, in October 2001 with the objective to formulate a new and long-term development framework that will lead to greater equitability and sustainability in Asia and the Pacific region by the end of 2004.

The meeting discussed and adopted the APFED Final Documents which are comprised of a final report, an executive summary, an action platform and an appendix. APFED members issued a communique expressing their determination to achieve sustainable futures in the Asia-Pacific region.

Also discussed was future scope of APFED activities, including a side-event to be conducted in association with the 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific 2005 (MCED 2005) to be held in March 2005 in Seoul. In the side-event, the outcome of the APFED will be shared among MCED 2005 participants in seeking support for APFED recommendations. The outcome is expected to contribute to the discussion at the MCED.

The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific, and the United Nations Environment Programme.

APFED Final Documents
Communique of the APFED Members at their Sixth Substantive in Tokyo
APFED List of Participants

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