Describing cellular phenotypes with CMPO

mitosis logo The Cellular Microscopy Phenotype Ontology (CMPO) provides a species-neutral controlled vocabulary for describing phenotypic qualities relating to the whole cell, cellular components, cellular processes and cell populations. Terms from CMPO are being used to annotate phenotype descriptions from high-content screening databases and cellular image repositories. Annotating data with ontologies adds value to the data that can then be exploited computationally to support smarter querying and to facilitate data integration. Find out more about CMPO and the projects invoved here. If you are new to ontologies, there is a short introduction on the subject available and a blog post by James Malone on what ontologies are for.


Browse CMPO with EBI's OLS or download the full CMPO in OWL format, or a simple CMPO that exlludes all logical axioms. You can also get the latest version in OBO format. The source ontology that is used by the editors is available from the CMPO git repository.


We provide tools to support the automated annotation of free text with CMPO terms. You can annotate terms using either the EBI's Zooma tool or the NCBO annotator. You can also embed CMPO search in your own web applications using the OLS widgets.


Submit new terms or report bugs using our GitHib issue tracker. For anything else contact Ontology Tools Support Help Desk.