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Tel 0120-372-010@t9:00~18:00iyEEjj
The precautions below must be followed when using the With SUMAHO service (referred to as "With SUMAHO" below) and Pi PURI service (referred to as gPi PURIh below), provided by DNP Photo Imaging Japan (referred to as gDNPh below).
1. Outline of the services
DNP provides the following services through Ki-Re-i photo booths (referred to as gKi-Re-ih below) and the Ki-Re-i Photo application for smartphones (referred to as gthe Applicationh below).
This service enables customers to save photo data (referred to as gphoto datah below) taken by Ki-Re-i to this Application (data saved in a smartphone or tablet is referred to as gsaved photo datah below) using a smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android). Also using the saved photo data, customers can easily make extra prints by Ki-Re-i.
This service enables customers to freely select photo data (referred to as gphoto data for printingh below) saved in a smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android) and to simply and easily print the photo by Ki-Re-i.
2. For using With SUMAHO
- Photo data is stored in the photo data server for 7 days from the day the photo is taken. Download the photo data to the Application during this period.
- To use the extra print service, the saved photo data downloaded to the Application is required.
- For using the extra print service, select the saved photo data in the Application and send the data to the photo data server. The data is stored in the photo data server for 24 hours from the time of data transmission. Print the photo by Ki-Re-i within this period.
3. For using Pi PURI
- For using Pi PURI, select the photo data for printing in the Application and send the data to the photo data server. The data is stored in the photo data server for 24 hours from the time of data transmission. Print the photo by Ki-Re-i within this period.
- Using Pi PURI, customers are not allowed to send or print any photo data for printing containing the following. DNP may delete the photo data for printing that is deemed inappropriate without obtaining customer's consent, and prohibit using Pi PURI. In this case, DNP assumes no responsibility to explain to customers the reasons, grounds and the like we use to make the judgement.
- Intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights, publicity rights, privacy rights, portrait rights and others infringing the rights or interests of a third party.
- Indecency, child pornography or expression that corresponds to child abuse.
- Unjust discrimination, slander or insult for others, or damaging honor or credit of others.
- Criminal or illegal act or potential that could lead to such act.
- Encouragement for the activities of anti-social forces such as gangs or contribution to the operation of antisocial forces.
- Others contrary to public order and morals.
- Matters likely to fall under any of the above categories or likely to be determined to promote the above.
- When using Pi PURI, if the photo data for printing contains any expression or image that requires a permission of others, necessary permission shall be obtained at the customer's responsibility.
4. Information management
- For using With SUMAHO and Pi PURI, the following individual codes are required. If you lose the code or if the code is stolen from you the Service may be abusively used by a third person. Please take good care and be responsible of your code.
(When downloading)
Both of QR code indicated on the photo printout and download password.
(When making extra print)
QR code indicated on the Application or reprint code.
QR code indicated on the Application or photo print code.
- If you lose the above code or if it is stolen from you, you will not be able to print the information again or obtain it by contacting us.
5. Scope of responsibility
- Please understand that DNP assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss of data saved in your smartphone or tablet caused during the use of With SUMAHO or Pi PURI.
- In order to prepare for unexpected accident, please be sure to make a data backup before using the services.
- If the Service cannot be used due to a problem on the DNP network, DNP will provide compensation limited to the amount received from the customer.
Privacy policy
This application privacy policy (referred to as gthe Privacy Policyh below) defines the handling policy of personal information regarding the Ki-Re-i photo booths (referred to as gKi-Re-ih below) and, the Ki-Re-i Photo application for smartphones (referred to as gthe Applicationh below) used to send/receive photo data and print photos provided by DNP Photo Imaging Japan (referred to as gDNPh below).
Article 1 (Collected personal information items and collection method)
DNP collects the following personal information items from the Application. The user will not be able to download the photo data if the download password is not correctly entered.
- Download password (collected when the user enters their password)
- Photo identification code (collected when the user scans their QR code)
- The photo data sent to the photo data server from Ki-Re-i by a user operation in Ki-Re-i (referred to as gphoto datah below)
- The photo data saved in the Application (referred to as gsaved photo datah below) (collected when the user performs an operation)
- Reprint code (automatically generated when the user performs an operation)
- Photo data for printing which is selected to be printed by the Application (referred to as gphoto data for printingh below) (collected when the user performs an operation)
- Photo print code (automatically generated when the user performs an operation)
- Camera Roll (access authorized by the user)
Article 2 (Purpose of use, transfer of responsibility, and external transfer)
DNP will use all the personal information items mentioned in Article 1 for the following purposes. DNP may entrust the management of the photo data server to a third company. The Application will send the saved photo data, photo identification code, reprint code, photo data for printing and photo print code to Ki-Re-i and the photo data server only as required for the following purposes.
- To download and save photo data to the usersf smartphones from Ki-Re-i via the photo data server. (Download password, photo identification code, photo data and Camera Roll)
- To send the saved photo data to Ki-Re-i via the photo data server in order to make extra print. (Saved photo data and reprint code)
- To send photo data for printing to Ki-Re-i via the photo data server in order to print photo. (Photo data for printing, photo print code and Camera Roll)
- To answer customersf inquiries. (All personal information)
Article 3 (Disclosure of information to a third party and data collection module)
- This Application will not send personal information to a third party.
- This Application does not use data collection module.
Article 4 (Handling of personal information in Ki-Re-i)
If personal information is handled in Ki-Re-i in a way that differs from this Privacy Policy for a service selected by the user in Ki-Re-i, the user will be asked to agree with the new personal information policy, which will be provided to the user separately before using the service.
Article 5 (User agreement)
he user must read and agree with this Privacy Policy to use the Application.
The user will be asked to agree with this Privacy Policy when they launch the Application for the first time. If the user does not agree, they will be unable to use the Application and this service.
This Privacy Policy can also be displayed from the menu of the Application.
Article 6 (Suspension by the user of service usage and collection of information)
To stop the collection of personal information by DNP, the user must delete (uninstall) the Application. The use of the Application stops when the user deletes the Application.
Article 7 (Link to the privacy policy)
Follow the link bellow to display the DNP privacy policy.
Article 8 (Contact for inquiries regarding disclosure and other matters)
Users may make inquiries regarding handling and disclosure of personal information with the Application, as well as other matters, using the link below.
- Contact: DNP Photo Imaging Japan Co., Ltd.
1-1-1 Ichigaya-Kagacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8001 Japan
DNP Photo Imaging Japan Co., Ltd.
Personal information protection manager: Personal information protection officer
Tel: 0120-372-010 between 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed during weekends and holidays)
*The phone conversations may be recorded for verification purposes.
Article 9 (Policy modification)
This Privacy Policy may be modified.
In case of important modifications, such as modifications regarding usage purposes or disclosure to a third party, the user will be asked to agree again with the new policy.
Established on February 13, 2023
*QR code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave.