Yupeng Zhang | Master student | HCI/Graphics

Yupeng Zhang

Dynamic Graphics Project Lab

Department of Computer Sience, University of Toronto

Office : 40 St. Geroge Street, Rm 5165, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2E4

E-mail : yupeng (at) dgp.toronto.edu

CV/Resume : pdf  |  Find me in GitHub

About me

News: Graduted in July 2016, now looking for job positions in 3D Animations, Modeling, and Gaming, particularly interested in VR/AR.

I'm a HCI/Graphics master student supervised by Dr. Daniel Widjor and Dr. Karan Singh in UofT DGP Lab.

My research interst is spatial interface for 3D modeling and animation.

I recived my Bachelor degree at University of Science and Techonology of China, also interned at Microsoft Research Asia(2012-2013), supervised by Dr. Xiang Cao in project Body Avatar.


BodyAvatar: Creating Freeform 3D Avatars using First-Person Body Gestures

Yupeng Zhang, Teng Han, Zhimin Ren, Nobuyuki Umetani, Xin Tong, Yang Liu, Takaashi Shiratori, Xiang Cao

Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , (UIST'13), Page 387

Video | Slides | Paper(PDF)

Ongoing Research

cover poster

MimeControl: Ad Hoc Mimicry Enabled Online Character Control

Existing motion captured based online animation interfaces are suffering from its the rigid control logic, where the system may not work across different users (re-training), different usage postures (i.e. standing or sitting), different target characters (topology difference), and different input devices (input structure). In this paper, we present an interaction technique that utilizes mimicry, to select and build an online ad-hoc control mapping which allows a user to control arbitrary characters through arbitrary input device. We start our work with a user-centric exploratory study, propose and designed the objective in this problem, implemented and evaluate the system with user testing.

Github | Video (password = strcat("mc","2016"))

concept implementation

Tangible-Holographic Sketch : An tangible sketch interface for 3D modeling

Augmented reality and Virtual reality techniques are long term to exploit the idea of Tangible-holographic, which are digital contents that can provide tangible feedback to users. In this paper, we present a novel 3D modeling interface base on AR and fabrication tech-niques, to explore some new-raised ideas and problem in the design space of Tangible-holographic interface.

Github | Video (password = strcat("ths","2016"))

Other Projects

Circle Reading: Text Reading performance on “Small Circular Displays”

Yupeng Zhang, Xiaorui Dong, Maxwell Yang

Our experiemnt on readability for small circular displays dig into different text layouts. In the project, we applied empirical research methods to collect data, and figured out the best layout. Experiments show that the adaptive layout provided the best readability as well as user rating.

Poster(PDF) | Paper(PDF)