Yannick Thiel Dynamic Graphics Project, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto |
Office: Bahen Centre, Room 5205 40 St. George Street, Toronto, ON. M5S 2E4, Canada. |
Email: ythiel[at]dgp[dot]toronto[dot]edu |
About Me I am a M.Sc. student who graduated under the supervision of Karan Singh. Prior to attending graduate school, I completed a B.Sc. with a double major in Mathematics and Computer Science at McGill University. During my 2nd and 3rd undergraduate year, I worked on Mammoth with Professor Jrg Kienzle. During my 3rd and 4th year of my undergraduate degree, I worked with a (at the time) small startup named : Brilig LLC, alongside Dave Renouf. I have also worked for a year at EA Mobile. Although the gist of it has been detailed here, you can also obtain my full CV. |
Research I am interested in creating software solutions which assist artists and amateur users in the creative process. I am presently working on Elasticurves, a 2D dynamics-based sketching aid. The Elasticurve project page can be found here. |
Teaching CSC108 Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 2009) |
Graduate Courses I have taken CSC2104 Formal Methods of Software Design with Professor E.C.R. Hehner (Fall 2009) |
Things that I like that don't involve my brain... I enjoy video games, movies, music, poker...and almost everything else. It is actually rare that I don't like something. I broke my nose playing basketball once. I did not like that. Additionally, I rock-climb and play soccer (although I haven't done either in a while...). I also swam competitively up until the age of 17, and until shown otherwise, I maintain that I am the world's fastest computer scientist in water (email if you wish to challenge me). |