Continue reading →: Tools for Thoughtlessness
The Thief of Reason What role for AI in text? Large Language Models have provoked much excitement for new textual tools, but how best to use them, and is there anything to fear? In our paper reflecting on the history of hypertext, Mark Anderson and I identified two different ways…
Continue reading →: The Ethics of Mixed Reality Games
Back in 2017 I gave a keynote at Educall called “People Like You, Like Blog Posts Like This“, it was a reflection of ten years of doing research in Web Science, and a warning about the unintended consequences of technology – especially in the face of mass adoption. Around the same…
Continue reading →: LoGaCulture General Assembly 2024
Last week we held the second general assembly for LoGaCulture. I can’t believe its been a year since the project started, and we had much to report, and even more to plan for! We also had a lot to live up to after last years’ amazing start in Madeira, and…
Continue reading →: (Adv) Game Design 2023
Another year and another run of our Game Design course. As normal the students did an incredible job of getting their heads around Unity in what seems like six minutes, and producing two amazing sets of games in four week sprints. We then produce Let’s Plays for each game, based…
Continue reading →: How to use Zotero
I have a confession. I have been a researcher for over 20 years, and I have published more than 240 papers with hundreds of collaborators, but I have – until very recently – never found a reference manager that I could use. It’s not from lack of trying. As a…
Continue reading →: LoGaCulture – Kick Off
This year I am delighted to start work as Co-Director for the LoGaCulture project, which is an EU/EPSRC funded project to explore Mixed Reality Games for Cultural Heritage. We wrote LoGaCulture as a follow up to StoryPlaces, extending our ideas about locative storytelling to the broader canvas of mixed reality…
Continue reading →: Game Design 2022
Another academic year, and another completed run of our Game Design course. This is a third year course where we take Computer Science and Software Engineering students through the principles of Game Design and Development, using Unity as our engine. Each year we set the students two challenges. The first…
Continue reading →: On The Margins 2022 – What is Hypertext?
This page was created for attendees of the ‘What is Hypertext‘ workshop held at the On the Margins conference on the 15th December 2022. Thanks to everyone who took part in the workshop. Hypertext is a foundational technology of our modern digital culture. Its history goes back over six decades.…
Continue reading →: Narrative and Hypertext Workshop 2022
This week I co-ran the 10th Narrative and Hypertext Workshop at ACM Hypertext 2022 (in Barcelona, although I attended remotely). The workshop is an event I founded with Charlie Hargood back in 2011, focused on bringing together the worlds of Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN) and Hypertext research. This year’s workshop…