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Czech Republic
Bohemian Forest
Bohemian North
Frýdlant Region
Lázně Libverda
Jizerské Mountains
Mácha’s Country
The Lusatian Mountains and Ještěd Ridge
Lázně Kundratice
Bohemian Paradise
Central Bohemia
Central Bohemia - Labe region
Lázně Toušeň
Central Bohemia - south
Central Bohemia - west
Central Moravia
Teplice nad Bečvou
East Bohemia
Bohemian-Moravian borderlands
Chrudim-Hlinsko Region
Hradec Králové Region
Hradec Králové
Kladsko Borderland
Králický Sněžník
Orlické Mountains and Podorlicko
Pardubice Region
Lázně Bohdaneč
Highlands (Vysočina)
Krkonoše (Giant Mountains)
Foothills of the Krkonoše Mountains
Lázně Bělohrad
Janské Lázně
Špindlerův Mlýn
North Moravia and Silesia
Beskydy - Valašsko
Karlova Studánka
Velké Losiny
Odra river - Moravian Kravaře region
Ostrava Region
Silesia around Opava
Silesia around Těšín
Darkov - Karviná
Northwestern Bohemia
Central Bohemian Uplands and Žatecko
Děčín Region and Lusatian Mountains
Krušné Mountains and Podkrušnohoří
Klášterec nad Ohří
Pilsen Region
Tachov-Stříbro Region
Konstantinovy Lázně
Southern Bohemia
Vráž by Písek
South Moravia
Brno and its surroundings
Lednice - Valtice Region
Ostrožská Nová Ves
The Moravian Karst and its environs
Zlín Region
Kostelec u Zlína
Western Bohemian Spas
Western Bohemian Spas
Františkovy Lázně
Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad)
Lázně Kynžvart
Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad)

Active holiday
Guide Czechie Walker Guide Czechie Walker
Tips of Czechie Walker:
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  • Would you like to be sent news from various tourism areas or regions? Register your e-mail address for news delivery.
Walls, strongly built
City fortifications belong among the oldest of city monuments. They are the evidence of their importance and the social standing of their citizens, proof of their construction and organisational abilities.

Current tip:
Harmony Club Hotel
Harmony Club Hotel

Suchdol Chateau
Suchdol Chateau

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Survey results
Have a nice day of February 18, 2025 which is a name-day of Gizela

Dear friends,

You're now on the Czech website
Of course, we're glad you're here.
And we believe that you'll also be glad, because no matter whether you are a tourist or a travel & tourism professional this site will be of great use to you.

Regions of the Czech Republic

Prague Central Bohemia Southern Bohemia Bohemian Forest Pilsen Region Western Bohemian Spas Northwestern Bohemia Bohemian North Bohemian Paradise East Bohemia Highlands (Vysočina) South Moravia Central Moravia North Moravia and Silesia Krkonoše (Giant Mountains)

The territory of the Czech Republic is divided into 15 tourist regions, which are dealt with in detail on the website. Click the region you want to visit and plan your trip. You will have all a tourist or visitor requires. You can also use the interactive map to find possible destinations.

Multimedia possibilities of the website

To provide better information about this country and its individual regions we provide unique virtual tours and a video gallery or photogallerywith the possibility to send your friends a postcard.


If you are a tourist, then you might like to know that the Czech Republic is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. The only thing we don't have is the sea.
There are world-famous tourist destinations that are dry and covered with sand. Others are rather flat, while still others are covered by things like glaciers. Many of these destinations have the most dreadful weather out of season.
Such things can not be said in relation to the Czech Republic. It is a diverse country with the most picturesque landscapes and a rich heritage of all sorts. And what is more, you will be able to put up with the weather from the beginning of January until the very end of December.
It is an ideal place to spend a holiday as well as for weekend visits and Saturday walks.
While surfing this site, allow yourself to imagine you are here.

Tourist information service

If you are not receiving updated tourist information in the framework of our information service, don't hesitate and register by providing us with your e-mail address
News concerning the field you choose is sent about once a week.

Tourist Information Service

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