Description: SELFIS (SELF-similarity analysIS) is a java-based software tool for self-similarity and long-range dependence analysis. It is freely distributed as a service to the community. For more information please refer to the corresponding papers and read the short tutorial of SELFIS.
Currently, it incorporates various long-range dependence estimation methodologies and the bucket shuffling methodology for long-range dependence detection. Future releases will include time-series processing algorithms and transforms, such as wavelets, Fourier transform, stationarity tests and smoothing algorithms. In addition, the next release will include FGN and FARIMA processes generators to simulate long-range dependence in time-series.
Supported Features:
Issues: Note that this is still an early BETA release. Please inform us of any bugs that we missed at
Reference: If you publish any material using the SELFIS tool, then please send the citation information for your article to Please use the following references for the SELFIS tool: Thomas Karagiannis, Michalis Faloutsos, Mart Molle. A User-Friendly Self-Similarity Analysis Tool. Special Section on Tools and Technologies for Networking Research and Education, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2003(to appear). Thomas Karagiannis, Michalis Faloutsos. SELFIS: A Tool For Self-Similarity and Long-Range Dependence Analysis. 1st Workshop on Fractals and Self-Similarity in Data Mining: Issues and Approaches (in KDD) Edmonton, Canada, July 23, 2002.
Download: You will need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.1 or higher. You can download JRE from
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