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Biographical Information:

I (Ed Knorr) received my PhD and MSc from the University of British Columbia, under the direction of Raymond Ng. My undergraduate degree (BMath, co-op) came from the University of Waterloo ( Alumni News). My former employers are: (a) Westech Information Systems (a spin-off of BC Hydro; afterwards, Westech became part of BC Hydro again, and then it was privatized in 2003, so that computing services were again provided under contract); (b) Amoco Canada Petroleum (formerly Dome Petroleum, formerly Hudson's Bay Oil & Gas; Amoco is now part of BP) where I worked from 1979-1989 including my co-op days. I also worked at the Centre for Advanced Studies in IBM's Toronto Laboratory, and at UBC as a Sessional Lecturer.

Until June 2021, I was a tenured Associate Professor of Teaching, and a Computer Science undergraduate advisor. (By the way, we have about 2,500 students in a CS undergraduate degree.) After that time, I became an emeritus faculty member. My teaching portfolio included database systems, data structures, discrete mathematics, engineering computation and design (in C), object-oriented programming (in C++), English (i.e., scientific (evidence-based) argumentation and writing, with peer review), and Data Science topics in Privacy, Ethics, and Security.

Fields of Interest: