Prof. Shahar Maoz, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University


Shahar Maoz is a Professor at the School of Computer Science in Tel Aviv University. He received his PhD from the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2009 and has been at Tel Aviv University since 2012. His research interest is in Software Engineering, specifically software and systems modeling, testing, formal specification languages, and synthesis. His work has been funded by an ERC Starting Grant (2015), an ERC Proof of Concept Grant (2022), and an ISF Grant (2023). He has served as PC Co-Chair of ASE'22 main research track.

Shahar actively recruits new MSc students, PhD students, and post-docs. Positions come with full funding for a number of years. Please contact him for details.

Funding (partial list)

  • ISF (Israel Science Foundation) Grant: SPECTACKLE (10/2023)
  • ERC Proof of Concept Grant: SYNTACT (5/2022)
  • ERC Starting Grant: SYNTECH (4/2015)
  • GIF (German-Israeli Foundation) Grant: C&C Views (started 2015, with Bernhard Rumpe)

Publications since 2013 (partial list)

Recent service (partial list)

  • ASE SC member (since 2022)
  • PC co-chair for ASE'21 tools track, PC co-chair for ASE'22 main research track
  • PC member for ASE'13, ASE'14, MODELS'14, ICSE'15 (RC), ASE'15 (Distinguished Reviewer Award), MODELS'15, ECOOP'16, ASE'16 (ERP), ME'16, OCL'16, ASE'17, ME'17, ICSE'18, ASE'18, ICSE'19, ICSE'20, ASE'20, ESEC/FSE'21, ICSE'22, FoSSaCS'23, ICSE'23, ICSE'24, FSE'24, ICSE'25
  • Reviewer for TOSEM, IEEE TSE, SoSyM, Empirical Software Engineering, Computing Surveys, JSME, STVR, Software: Practice and Experience