Leonid Reyzin's Home Page

Leo (Leonid) ReyzinЛеонид (Лёня) Рейзин

My Picture

I am a professor of Computer Science at Boston University in the College of Arts and Sciences. My main research interest is cryptography; I am a member of the BU Security Group and a Fellow of the IACR.

Contact: reyzin@bu.edu.

Research Papers and Talks:

Standardization Efforts:



Advanced-level teaching / survey talks:

Former Postdocs:

Ph.D. Students:



I am co-chairing the Crypto 2024 Program Committee (please submit good papers and/or come)

Previously: Crypto 2023 (area chair), Crypto 2022, CSCML 2021, TCC 2021, Crypto 2020 General Chair, Eurocrypt 2019, TCC 2017 (PC co-chair with Yael Tauman Kalai), Information and Computation, Eurocrypt 2017, TCC 2016-A, Crypto 2014, ICITS 2013, Eurocrypt 2013, CHES 2012, Crypto 2011, Crypto 2010, SCN 2008, TCC 2008, ICALP 2007, Track C, PKC 2006, CRYPTO 2005, ISC 2005, TCC 2005, SCN 2004, ACISP 2004, ACNS 2003