XSDBench - XML Schema Benchmark

XSDBench is a W3C XML Schema benchmark that compares the performance of validating XML parsers. The following parsers are supported in the latest version:

  1. Libxml2 is currently disqualified since it cannot handle the benchmark schemas

The benchmark measures validation throughput, statically-linked test executable size, and, where possible, peak heap and stack memory usage during parsing. For more information on the architecture of the benchmark as well as the schemas and XML instances used in the tests see the XSDBench Benchmark Description.


Result 2006-10-16-01 2006-10-16-02 2006-10-17-01
CPU AMD Opteron 244 1.8Ghz Intel Pentium III M 1Ghz Intel Pentium III M 1Ghz
OS/Kernel GNU/Linux Windows GNU/Linux
Toolchain GCC 4.1.2, 64-bit Visual C++ 7.1 Intel C++ 9.1
Xerces-C++ 2.7.0 2.7.0 2.7.0
XSD 2.3.1.b1 + Expat 2.0.0 2.3.1.b1 + Expat 2.0.0 2.3.1.b1 + Expat 2.0.0
Libxml2 - - -
MSXML - 4 SP2, 6 -
Result 2006-10-17-02
CPU IBM PowerPC 970MP 2.5Ghz
OS/Kernel GNU/Linux
Toolchain IBM XL C++ 8.0
Xerces-C++ 2.7.0
XSD 2.3.1.b1 + Expat 2.0.0
Libxml2 -


XSDBench is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.


xsdbench-1.0.0.tar.gz sha1: 5795374e72ae8e7ed2b8d21adccb12beb98d5839
xsdbench-1.0.0.zip sha1: 8b3473be208600a47948665714dbdb8d152aba19
all versions


Send benchmark results, bug reports, contributions or any other feedback to the xsdbench-users mailing list.