CHI 2005
CHI 2005 April 2 through 7 Portland, Oregon

Conference Overview
Conference Committee
Exhibiting & Recruiting
About Portland

Our Sponsors

Conference Program

Conference Program

Presenting at CHI



Student Volunteers

Call For Participation

Submissions Overview
Archived CFPs
All submissions closed



Welcome to CHI 2005

CHI 2005 is the premier international conference for human-computer interaction. Learn more about our conference theme of Technology, Safety, and Community in the Conference Overview, and about submission venues in the Introduction to the Technical Program. Please join us in Portland and take advantage of the many opportunities to network and showcase your research, design, and practice!

What's New

CHI 2005 is over; join us at CHI2006 in Montreal, 22-27 April 2006.

Best Paper Awards announced.

Student Competition winners.

Have a question? Please send your inquiries to

Key Dates
2 April 2005 On-site Registration
2-4 April 2005 Pre-Conference Program
5-7 April 2005 Technical Program

Spotlight: Interactivity

Be sure to visit the all-new Interactivity Venue at CHI, where authors will not only present some of the latest and greatest research in tangible, multimodal, collaborative, and multimedia interfaces, but also set up hands-on installations for you to try yourself! Take a look at this exclusive sneak preview for a taste of what will be happening in the Interactivity Chamber.

If you have bandwidth to spare, view one of these previews:
CHI 2005 Interactivity Venue 5.3MB
CHI 2005 Interactivitiy Venue 11.6MB

CHI 2005April 2 - 7Portland, Oregon, USA SIGCHIBack to Top SIGCHI