The Advance Monthly and Monthly Retail Trade Surveys (MARTS and MRTS), the Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS), and the Quarterly E-Commerce Report work together to produce the most comprehensive data available on retail economic activity in the United States. More detailed descriptions of these programs can be found by choosing one of the links to the left or by visiting the ARTS page.
For all of our 2024/2025 release dates please see our Economic Indicator Release Schedule.
Intention to Revise: Monthly retail sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios estimates will be revised to reflect historical corrections and will reflect the restated results of the 2022 Annual Retail Trade Survey and the Service Annual Survey. Estimates will be restated to incorporate the 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) changes. In addition to the 2017 NAICS changes, the restated data will represent employer-only firms to be aligned with the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) and the Economic Census. For a detailed description of these changes, please see the Restatement Summary. Publication tables will be reformatted to incorporate the 2017 NAICS definitions. Revised not adjusted estimates and corresponding adjusted estimates are scheduled for release on April 25, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. EDT.
See our latest Monthly State Retail Sales (MSRS) release, the Census Bureau's experimental data product featuring modeled state-level retail sales.
Check out our latest blog post, Inflation and the U.S. Census Bureau's Economic Indicator Programs.
FRED Mobile App: Receive the latest updates on the nation's key economic indicators by downloading the FRED App for both Apple and Android devices. FRED, the signature database of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, now incorporates the Census Bureau's 13 economic indicators.
API: The URL for the economic indicators data in the Census Bureau API (Application Programming Interface) has been updated to add /timeseries/. Examples can be found on the Developers' webpage.