BioPortal | Biomedical Ontology Repository

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The world’s most comprehensive repository of biomedical ontologies

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What BioPortal Does


Ontology Browser

Browse, find, and filter ontologies in our ontology library.


Term Search

Search for terms across multiple ontologies.



Annotate your textual biomedical data with ontology terms.



Get ontology recommendations for annotation based on descriptions of your datasets.



Explore mappings between ontology terms.


Ontology Submission

Add your own ontology on any topic. (Requires free account.)




What Users Say

I rely on BioPortal for easy access to SNOMED and a number of other terminologies, particularly for when I just want to check the existence of specific terms. I love having a one-stop shop to find just about any ontology I might need.

Jessie Tenenbaum Duke University
Jessie Tenenbaum

When teaching on the role and importance of structured and standardized data, BioPortal is an indispensible reference. It demonstrates the sheer size and number of ontologies, and the cross-ontology search helps to appreciate gaps, overlaps and target areas of and between ontologies. The annotator, mappings, and SPARQL endpoint help to provide insight in the potentials and challenges of building and using the linked open data cloud in the domain of healthcare and life sciences.

Ronald Cornet Amsterdam UMC
Ronald Cornet

I’m using BioPortal to browse and search different ontologies and vocabularies such as NDF-RT and SNOMED CT. I find codes for terms and restrictions on terms and I then copy them into clinical guideline representations so that I can use standard terminologies.

Mor Peleg

I am an ontology developer and often ontology consumer. The BioPortal web site and ontology repository are my go to place for both sharing ontologies and finding other’s ontologies relevant to my work in computational biology. In addition, I have used the excellent web API to do automated search and retrievals in the BioPortal repository for annotation of a variety of types of documents.

James Sluka Indiana University
James Sluka

The Neuroscience Information Framework and dkNet awards greatly benefitted from the good work at BioPortal. When building our ontologies, NIF always had the philosophy of reuse, a FAIR before the term was coined. However, reuse presupposes that the things you want to reuse are indeed findable, accessible and interoperable. BioPortal makes all submitted terminologies, including our own, FAIR and thus has helped to shape the ontology community. Thank you!

Anita Bandrowski SciCrunch
Anita Bandrowski

The Semantic Systems Biology group at NTNU has been a regular user of BioPortal for many years. BioPortal has been very helpful as a resource for identifying and downloading ontologies most suitable for our projects.  In a complementary way, we have also used BioPortal for disseminating application ontologies developed in our group: the Cell Cycle Ontology (CCO), the Gene Expression Ontology (GeXO), the Regulation of Gene Expression Ontology (ReXO) and the Regulation of Transcription Ontology (ReTO). We are honestly grateful to all the members of the BioPortal team for the continuous support they provide to the research community.

Vladimir Mironov

BioPortal Products


Access and share biomedical ontologies on the web.

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Use RESTful web services to access BioPortal content.

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Virtual Appliance

Run our software as OntoPortal on your own system or in an Amazon Machine Instance.

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Web Widgets

Use BioPortal technology directly on your website or in your application.

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BioPortal is used all over the world

The National Center for Biomedical Ontology was founded as one of the National Centers for Biomedical Computing, supported by the NHGRI, the NHLBI, and the NIH Common Fund under grant U54-HG004028.

Copyright © 2005‑2023, The Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved.