UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme

Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme

Internet Governance Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, 12 January 2006

This Internet Governance Workshop is organized by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) at the Rama Gardens Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand on 12 January 2006

National Conference and Exhibition on Participatory Telecenter Services and Content Development for Rural Areas, Jakarta, Indonesia, 14-15 December 2005

This national conference and exhibition organized by Partnerships for e-Prosperity for the Poor (Pe-PP) aims to bring together telecenter and rural development stakeholders.

COMNET Vietnam 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam, 14-15 December 2005

COMNET VIETNAM 2005 sheds light on developments in mobile entertainment and digital life styles, mobile operator strategies, next generation networks, mobile enterprise, security, satellite and broadband.

UNDP Bangladesh @ SoftExpo 2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 27 November - 1 December 2005

UNDP Bangladesh in partnership with the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Systems, and with support from APDIP, organized seminars and an exhibition at SoftExpo 2005.


Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme,
UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok,
United Nations Service Building,
3rd Floor, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue,
Bangkok 10200,

Mailing Address:

GPO Box 618,
Bangkok 10501, Thailand

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