Ambient Networks
AN Project
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Ambient Networks Phase 1
For more information regarding AN Phase 1 please visit here.
To get access to the AN Phase 1 publications please click here.

March 6, 2008
Ambient Networks Results Workshop in Aachen
We report on the results of 4 intense Years of research in the area of future mobile networks..

October 16-19, 2007
M2NM 2007 Sydney, Australia
First Ambient Networks Workshop on Mobility, Multiaccess, and Network Management (M2NM 2007) organized in cooperation with IEEE ISCIT 2007.

July 1-5, 2007
16th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary
The ANP2 project will contribute with papers and demonstration on this event. For more information regarding this even please visit here.

March 14, 2007
Business Modeling Workshop
The Business modeling team within the two projects "Ambient Networks" and "Novel access provisioning" in cooperation between Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) invites you to a workshop on "Future Business models and Value Constellations" for provisioning of wireless access and services.

November 10, 2006:

AN Operator Workshop
Emerging Technologies for Operator Cooperation"An open workshop targeting Operators arranged by the Ambient Network Project.
Read more >> GET ACCESS >>

June 4-8, 2006:
IST Mobile & Wireless Communication Summit 2006, Myconos, Greece. AN presents a Special Session on Ambient more >>

April 26-28, 2006:
WWRF 16 in Shanghai, China. AN participates with the latest results and more >>


"The Olympic Games will start in two days and Alice has got an assignment for the news-channel "Europe Today" to cover the Olympics. She flies in to Beijing and meets her crew. There is very little time to prepare, so Alice is glad that her Personal Area Network (PAN) connects to their PANs automatically without hassle. They now have one moving local network via which they can cooperate.

Since there are many local networks and service providers scattered all over the Olympic village, she needs to maintain connections with many of them even when she is on the move. Without Alice noticing it her Ambient Network negotiates roaming with these operators and service providers.

The crew prepare for a TV interview. The local network detects the need for an assured quality connection for the TV transmission and sets it up. A fallback channel is organized via another provider for quick handover in case the first connection fails."


In the telecommunications world of future, there will be many different networks. To provide users with the services they want irrespective of their location, these networks have to cooperate. In a highly mobile environment, this network cooperation will have to be established 'on the fly'. The Ambient Networks project is about making this fast network cooperation a reality.

Through R&D, co-funded by the EU through the 6th Framework Programme, the Ambient Network project will ensure that the European telecommunications industry is prepared for the future.

To learn more about AN, watch the video below.

Ambient Networks©2006