AAS Home

American Auditory Society

Recent News and Updates.

Mission, Goals, and Objectives.

The mission of AAS is to promote the translation of scientific discovery to clinical practice in hearing and balance disorders through multi-disciplinary interaction among members in clinical care, research, engineering and industry. To pursue this mission, the society coordinates and disseminates information through an annual meeting and other scientific communications for the advancement of research, education and practice.

Vision Statement: To transform hearing and balance healthcare through novel scientific discovery.

The Benefits of Membership.

Members receive discounted registration rates for the AAS Annual Conference, discounted job posting rates on the AAS Job Board, and a complimentary online subscription to Ear and Hearing, the bimonthly comprehensive, multi-disciplinary journal that keeps you abreast of current clinical ideas and procedures. Although the Society is based in the United States, there are no geographic limits - we welcome your involvement from anywhere in the world!

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The Annual Scientific & Technology Conference.

The AAS 51st Annual Scientific & Technology Conference will be held at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona, February 15 - 17, 2024. This conference will continue the tradition of promoting translational research and providing an intellectually stimulating and collaborative atmosphere for all attendees. The program will include translational research presentations, special sessions, poster sessions, technology updates, the Carhart Memorial and Killion Lectures, and a Life Achievement Award.

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