UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software
and Technology) is the premier forum for innovations
in the software and technology of human-computer
interfaces. Sponsored by ACM's special interest
groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI)
and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings
together researchers and practitioners from diverse
areas that include traditional graphical & web
user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing,
virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input
& output devices, and CSCW. The intimate size,
the single track, and comfortable surroundings
make this symposium an ideal opportunity to exchange
research results and implementation experiences.
Best Paper Award
Bringing Physics to the Surface
Andrew Wilson (Microsoft Research)
Shahram Izadi, Otmar Hilliges, Armando Garcia-Mendoza, David Kirk (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Best Student Paper Award
Design As Exploration: Creating Interface Alternatives through Parallel Authoring and
Runtime Tuning
Björn Hartmann, Loren Yu, Abel Allison, Yeonsoo Yang, Scott Klemmer (Stanford University)
Lasting Impact Award
Randy Pausch for his contributions to UIST,
in particular the UIST'91 paper SUIT: The Pascal of User Interface Toolkits Randy Pausch, Nathaniel R. Young II, Robert DeLine (University of Virginia)
Steve Cousins
General Chair
cousins[at]ieee.org |