OGF DRMAA Working Group

The DRMAA Working Group Charter

The 'Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA)' working group develops and maintains a API specification for tightly coupled and portable programmatic access to cluster, grid, and cloud systems.
The DRMAA working group deliverables are intended to facilitate the development of portable application programs and high-level libraries.
DRM system vendors can provide a standardized access to their product through a DRMAA implementation. High-level API designers, meta-scheduler architects and end users can rely on such DRMAA implementations for a unified access to execution resources.
The scope of the API standardization is focused on job submission, job control, reservation management, and retrieval of job and machine monitoring information.

DRMAA v.2 - The Current Version

This is the latest version of the API specification. It is implemented in Univa Grid Engine.

If you want to create your own DRMAA library, this is the best thing to use. You can start with our reference mock implementation.

DRMAA v.2 is not backward compatible to DRMAA v.1, but the concepts are very similar. It should be easy to port existing applications and DRMAA implementations.

DRMAA v.1 - Deprecated, Deployed and Available

This is the (very) old version of the API specification. There are many existing implementations, especially in the world of scientific high-performance computing environments. They are discussed on a separate page. We collected a number of usage stories for this version of the API.

DRMAA Implementations

Information Sources

You can find all specifications in the documents section of this home page.

Get Involved

The DRMAA working group invites your participation. Download and review the current version of the specification document and subscribe to the email alias.

The group welcomes any comments or questions. The DRMAA-WG email alias is drmaa-wg@ogf.org.
To post to this alias, you must be a member. Information about subscribing to this list can be found here. DRMAA email archives since 2004 are available from the OGF mailman archives. Prior to 30 August 2002, all DRMAA email was posted to the GGF scheduling area list.

Citing DRMAA

Peter Tröger, Hrabri Rajic, Andreas Haas, and Piotr Domagalski. Standardization of an API for Distributed Resource Management Systems. In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2007), page 619-626, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2007. DOI: 10.1109/CCGRID.2007.109