











杨雄里在视网膜方面的研究可以归纳成以下几个方面:一是视网膜第二级神经元接收的光感受器信号及其相互作用的分析;二是外层视网膜神经元反应特性为明、暗的调制及其可能机制;三是视网膜神经元表达的氨基酸受体和转运体的确定;四是视网膜中信号传递的调制及机制。其研究成果总结在200余篇学术论文中。他的研究工作得到科技部、教育部、中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委、上海市科委等基金资助。曾作为PrincipalInvestigator(PI)和Co-PI 分获美国国立健康研究院和国际人类前沿科学计划组织研究基金资助。1988年国家人事部授予杨雄里“国家级有突出贡献的中青年科技专家”称号,1989年、1996年分获中科院自然科学奖一等奖、二等奖,1991年当选为上海市十大科技精英之一,2001年获何梁何利科技进步奖,2006年获教育部自然科学奖一等奖,上海市自然科学奖一等奖。





1Yang XL,Tauchi M.,Kaneko A,Quantitative Analysis of Photorceptor Inpuls to External  Horizontal Cells in the Goldfish Retina,Jpn.J.Physiol, 1982,32:399~420.

2Yang XL,Tauchi M,Kaneko A,Convergence of Signals from Red-sensitive and Green-sensitive Cones to External Horizontal Cells of the Goldfish Retina,Vision Res,1983,23:371~380

3Yang XLet al,Circadian Rhythm in the Electroretinogram of the Crab (Scylla Serrata),Acta PhysiolSinica,1984,36:202~206


5Yang XL,Convergence of Photoreceptor Inputs onto Horizontal Cells of Cyprinid Retina,Vision:Structure and FunctionScience Publishing Inc,1988,192~232

6Yang XL,Tornquist K,Dowling JE,Modulation of Cone Horizontal Cell Activity in the Teleost Fish RetinaIEffects of Prolonged Darkness and Background Illumination on Light Responsiveness, JNeurosci,1988,8:2259~2268

7Yang XL,Tornquist K,Dowling JE,Modulation of Cone Horizontal Cell Activity in the Teleost Fish Retina,IIRole of Interplexiform Cells and Dopamine in Regulating Light Responsiveness,JNeurosci,1988,8:2269~2278

8Tornquist K,Yang XL,Dowling,JE,Modulation of Cone Horizontal Cell Activity in the Teleost Fish Retina,ⅢEffects of Prolonged Darkness and Dopamine on Coupling of Horizontal CellsJNeurosci,1988,8:2279~2288

9Yang XL,WuSM,Effects of Background Illumination on the Horizontal Cell Responses in the Tiger Salamander Retina,JNeurosci,1989,9:815~827

10Yang XL,Wu SM,Effects of Prolonged Light Exposure,GABA and Glycine on the Horizontal Cell Responses in the Tiger Salamander Retina, JNeurophysiol,1989,61:1025~1035

11Yang XL,Wu SM,Effects of CNQX,APB,PDA,Kynurenate on Horizontal Cells of the Tiger Salamander Retina,VisNeurosci,1989,3:207~212

12Yang XL,Wu SM,Modulation of Rod-cone Coupling by Light,Science,1989,244:352~354

13Yang XL,Fan TX,Li JD,Electroretinographic b-wave Merely Reflects the Activity of the Rod System in the Dark Adapted Carp Retina,Vision Res,1990,30:993~999

14Yang XL,Modulation of Synaptic Transmission in the Retina,Documenta Ophthalmologica,1991,76:377~387

15Yang XL,Wu SM,Feedforward Lateral Inhibition in Retinal Bipolar Cells:Input-output Relation of the HC-DBC Synapse,ProcNatlAcadSci,USA,1991,88:8310~8313

16Yang XL,Wu SM,Coexistence and Functions of Multiple Types of Glutamate Receptor in the Horizontal Cells of the Tiger Salamander Retina,Vis Neurosci,1991,7:377~382

17Yang XL,Wu SM,Effects of GABA on Horizontal Cells in the Tiger Salamander Retina,Vision Res,1993,33:1339~1344

18Yang XL,Shen W,Fan TX,Effects of Prolonged Darkness on Light Responsiveness and Spectral Sensitivity of Cone Horizontal Cells,in Carp Retina in VivoJNeurosci,1994,14:326~334

19Yang XL,Wu SM,Effects of Calcium on Rod and Cone Inputs to Horizontal Cells  of the Tiger Salamander RetinaVisNeurosci,1994,11:363~368

20Yang XL,Wu MS,Response Sensitivity and Voltage Gains of the Rod- and Cone-horizontal Cell Synapses in Dark- and Light-adapted Tiger Salamander RetinaJNeurophysiol,1996,76:3863~3874


22Han MH,Li Y,Yang XL,Desensitizing GABAc Receptors on Carp Bipolar CellsNeuroReport,1997,8:1331~1335

23Yang XL,Wu MS,Response Sensitivity and Voltage Gain of the Rod-and Cone-bipolar Cell Synapses in Dark-adapted Tiger Salamander RetinaJNeurophysiol,1997,78:2662~2673

24Zhang DQ,Yang XL,OFF Pathway is Preferentially Suppressed by the Activation of GABAA Receptors in Carp RetinaBrain Research,1997,759:160~162 


26Zhang DQ,Yang XL,GABA Modulates Color-opponent Bipolar CellsBrain Res,1998,792:319~323

27Lu T,Shen Y,Yang XL,Desensitization of AMPA Receptors on Horizontal Cells Isolated from Crucian Carp RetinaNeurosciRes,1998,31:123~135

28Li P,Yang XL,Strong Synergism between GABAA and Glycine Receptors on Isolated Carp Third-order Neurons,NeuroReport,1998,9:2875~2879

29Shen Y,Lu T,Yang XL,Modulation of Desensitization at Glutamate Receptors in Isolated Carp Horizontal Cells by Con A,Cyclothiazide,Aniracetam and PEPANeuroscience,1999,89:1979~1990

30Shen Y,Yang XL,Zinc Modulation of AMPA Receptors May Be Relevant to Splice Variants in Carp Retina Neuroscience Letters,1999,259:177~180

31Zhang J,Yang XL,GABAB Receptors in Muller Cells of the Bullfrog RetinaNeuroReport,1999,10:1833~1836

32Li P,Yang XL,Zn2+ Differentially Modulates Glycine Versus GABA Receptors in Isolated Carp Retinal Third-order NeuronsNeuroscience Letters,1999,269:75~78

33Han MH,Yang XL,Zn2+Differentially Modulates Kinetics of GABAC vs GABAA Receptors in Carp Retinal Bipolar Cells NeuroReport,1999,10:2593~2597 

34Yang XL,Shen Y,Han MH,Lu T,Physiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors in the Retina Korean JPhysiolPharmacol1999,3:461~469.

35Shen Y,Zhou Y,Yang XL,Characterization of AMPA Receptors on Isolated Amacrine-like Cells in Carp RetinaEurJNeurosci1999,11:4233~4240

36Xu HP,Yang XL,Differential Modulation by GABA of Signals from Red-and Green-sensitive Cones in the Carp Retina Brain ResBull,2000,51:493~497

37Du JL,Yang XL,Subcellular Localozation and Complements of GABAA and GABAc Receptors on Bullfrog Retinal Bipolar Cells JNeurophysiol,2000,84:666~676

38Li P,Yang XL,Forskolin Modulation of Desensitization at GABAA and Glycine Receptors is not Mediated by CAMP-dependent Protein Kinase in Isolated Carp Amacrine-like CellsPflüGer Arch(EurJPhysiol),2001,441:739~745

39Yang XL, Li P,Lu T,Shen Y,Han MH,Physiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors on Carp Retinal Neurons,ProgBrain Res,2001,131:277~294

40Xu HP,Luo DG,Yang XL,Signals from Cone Photoreceptors to L-type Horizontal Cells are Differentially Modulated by Low Calcium in Carp RetinaEurJNeurosci,2001,13:1411~1419

41Zhao JW,Yang XL,Glutamate Transporter EAAC1 is Expressed on Müller Cells of Lower Vertebrate RetinasJNeurosciRes,2001,66:89~95.

42Luo DG,Yang XL,Zn2+ Differentially Modulates Signals From Red- and Short Wavelength-sensitive Cones to Horizontal Cells in Carp RetinaBrain Res ,2001,900:95~102

43Li GL,Li P,Yang XL,Melatonin Modulates γ-amino-butyric Acid Receptor-mediated Currents on Isolated Carp Retinal NeuronsNeurosciLett,2001,301:49~53

44Yang R,Yang XL,Differential Modulation by AMPA of Signals from Red- and Green Sensitive Cones in Carp Retinal Luminosity-type Horizontal CellsScience in China (Ser C),2001,44:373~382

45Du JL,Yang XL,Bullfrog Retinal Bipolar Cells may Express Heterogeneous Glycine Receptors at Dendrites and Axon TerminalsNeuroscience Letters 2002,322:177~181

46Yang XL,Fan G,Wu SM,Non-linear,High-gain and Sustained –to- transient Signal Transmisson from Rods to Amacrine Cells in Dark-adapted Retina of AmbystomaJPhysiol,2002,539:239~251

47Du JL,Yang XL,Glycinergic Synaptic Transmission to Bullfrog Retinal Bipolar Cells is Input-specificNeuroscience,2002,113:779~784

48Xu HP,Zhao JW,Yang XL,Expression of Voltage-dependent Calcium Channel Subunits in the Rat RetinaNeurosciLett,2002,329:297~300

49Luo DG,Li GL,Yang XL,Zn2+Modulates Light Responses of Color- opponent Bipolar and Amacrine Cells in the Carp RetinaBrain ResBull,2002,58:461~468

50Xu HP,Yang XL,Different Effects of Low Ca2+ on Signal Transmission from Rods and Cones to Bipolar Cells in Carp RetinaBrain Res,2002,957:136~143

51Luo DG,Yang XL,Suppression by Zinc of Transient OFF Responses of Carp Amacrine Cells to Red Light is Mediated by GABAA ReceptorsBrain Res,2002,958:222~226

52Du JL,Xu LY,Yang XL,Glycine Receptors and Transporters on Bullfrog Retinal Müller CellsNeuroReport 2002,13:1653~1656

53Xu HP,Zhao JW,Yang XL,Cholinergic and Dopaminergic Amacrine Cells Differentially Express Calcium Channel Subunits in the Rat RetinaNeuroscience,2003,118:763~768

54Li GL,Yang XL,Glycinergic Input to Carp Retinal Ganglion Cells may be Mediated by Glycine Receptors with Homologous KineticsBrain Res,2003,991:171~179

55Shen Y,Zhang AJ,Yang XL,Uncoupling of Horizontal Cells Alters the Receptive Fields of Retinal Bipolar CellsNeuroReport,2003,14:2159~2163.

56Yang XL,Characterization  of  Receptors for Glutamate and GABA in Retinal NeuronsProgress in Neurobiology,2004,73:127~150

57Xu LY,Zhao JW,Yang XL,GLAST Expression on Bullfrog Muller Cells is Regulated by Dark/LightNeuroReport,2004,16:2451~2454

58Lee SC,Zhong YM,Yang XL,Expression of Glycine Receptor and Transporter on Bullfrog Retinal Muller CellsNeurosciLett,2005,387:75~79 

59Huang H,Lee SC,Yang XL,Modulation by Melatonin of Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission in the Carp RetinaJPhysiol,2005,569:857~871

60Yu YC,Cao LH,Yang XL,Modulation by Brain Natriuretic Peptide of GABA Receptors on Rat Retinal Bipolar CellsJNeurosci,2006,26:696~707

61Tian M,Yang XL,C-type Natriuretic Peptide Modulates Glutamate Receptors in CultuRed Rat Retinal Amacrine CellsNeuroscience,2006,139:1211~1220

62Liu J,Li GL,Yang XL,An Iontropic GABA Receptor with Novel Pharmacology at Bullfrog Cone Photoreceptor TerminalsNeuroSignals,2006,15:13~25

63Cheng Z,Zhong YM,Yang XL,Expression of the Dopamine Transporter in Rat and Bullfrog Retinas NeuroReport,2006,17:773~777

64Liu J,Yang XL,OFF Response of Bullfrog Cones is Shaped by Terminal Ionotropic GABA ReceptorsBrain ResBull,2006,71:219~233

65Shen Y,Liu XL,Yang XL,NMDA Receptors in the Retina Molecular Neurobiology,2006,34:163~179

66Cao LH,Yang XL,Natriuretic Peptide Receptor NPR-A is Functionally Expressed on Bullfrog Retinal Muller CellsBrain ResBull,2007,71:410~415 

67Han L,Zhong YM,Yang XL,5-HT2A Receptors are Differentially Expressed in Bullfrog and Rat Retinas:A Comparative StudyBrain ResBull2007,73:273~277

68Jin Y,Zhong YM,Yang XL,Natriuretic Peptides are Localized to Rat Retinal Amacrine CellsNeurosci Lett,2007,421:106~109

69Zhang M,Cao LH,Yang XL,Melatonin Enhances Glycineinduced Currents of Retinal Ganglion Cells in RatNeuroReport,2007,18:1675~1678

70Chen L,Yang XL,Hyperpolarization-activated Current(Ih) is Involved in Modulation of the Excitability of Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells by DopamineNeuroscience,2007,150:299~308

71Cao LH,Yang XL,Natriuretic Peptides and Their Receptors in the Central Nervous SystemProgNeurobiology,2008,84:234~248

72Cao LH,Zhou B,Yang XL,Modulation by BNP of GABA Receptors on ON Type Rod Bipolar Cells is Dependent on Subcellular SitesBrain Res,2008,1216:46~52

73Zhang XM,Zhong YM,Yang XL,TASK-2 is Expressed in Proximal Neurons in the Rat RetinaNeuroReport,2009,20:946~950

74Liu CR,Zhong YM,Yang XL,Expression of Cx35/36 in Retinal Horizontal and Bipolar Cells of CarpNeuroscience,2009,64:1161~1169

75Ke JB,Chen W,Yang XL,Wang Z,Characterization of Spontaneous Inhibitory Postsynaptic Currents in Cultured Rat Retinal Amacrine CellsNeuroscience,2009,165:395~407

76Zhao WJ,Zhang M,Yang XL,Wang ZF,Melatonin Potentiates Glycine Currents Through a PC-PLC/PKC Signaling Pathway in Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells JPhysiol,2010,588(14):2605~2619