Internet connection method for mobile ad hoc wireless networks - WRAP: Warwick Research Archive Portal

Internet connection method for mobile ad hoc wireless networks

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In recent years, wireless networks with Internet services have become more and
more popular. Technologies which integrate Internet and wireless networks have
extended traditional Internet applications into a more flexible and dynamic
environment. This research work investigates the technology that supports the
connection between a Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Network (MANET) and the
Internet, which enables the current wireless Internet technologies to provide a
ubiquitous wireless life style.
With detailed analysis of the existing wireless Internet technologies and
MANETs regarding their features and applications, the demand and lack of
research work for an application to provide Internet connection to MANET is
indicated. The primary difficulty for MANET and Internet connection is that the
dynamic features of MANET do not suit the traditional connection methods used
in infrastructure wireless networks. This thesis introduces new concept of the
'Gateway Awareness' (GAW) to the wireless devices in the MANET. GAW is a
new routing protocol designed by the author of this thesis, at the University of
Warwick. Based on GAW, an inclusive definition for the connection method,
which supports the Internet connection and keeps the independency of routing in
MANET, is addressed. Unlike other research work, this method supports the
MANET and Internet communication in both directions. Furthermore, it explores
possible ways of using the Internet as an extension for wireless communications.
The GAW routing method is developed from destination sequenced distance
vector (DSDV) routing protocol. However, it defines a layer of wireless nodes
(known as GAWNs) with exclusive functions for the Internet connection task.
The layer of GAWNs brings a new set of route update and route selection
method. Simulations show that the GAW routing method provides quality
Internet connection performance in different scenarios compared with other
methods. In particular, the connection is completed with minimum effect on the
independent MANET while the routing efficiency and accuracy is guaranteed.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA76 Electronic computers. Computer science. Computer software
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Ad hoc networks (Computer networks), Wireless Internet, Routing protocols (Computer network protocols)
Official Date: March 2005
March 2005
Institution: University of Warwick
Theses Department: School of Engineering
Thesis Type: PhD
Publication Status: Unpublished
Supervisor(s)/Advisor: Green, Roger J. ; Leeson, Mark
Sponsors: Universities UK ; University of Warwick
Extent: xi, 178 p.
Language: eng
Persistent URL:

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