Sysformance AG
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Presserelease, 7th February 2000

Sites utilizing Microsoft Webserver-Software turn in inferior reliability results in study of Swiss websites

Today, the Swiss Internet Performance and Monitoring specialist SysControl AG published the first issue of its ?Swiss Web Performance Index? (SWePIX). The index is based on the analysis of measurements made on more than 100 popular Swiss web sites. Each site was checked from four different locations at 5 minute intervals over a period of 3 months. In total over 10 million measurements were generated and stored for analysis during this period.

The most note-worthy results are:
  • Swiss websites experience an average of over one and a half hours of complete outages, every week.
  • For more than 4 hours per week, substantial numbers of end users cannot reach the average site due to partial outages in the network connectivity.
  • Sites in the survey using Microsoft?s IIS-Software (Web-Server software for the NT operating system) are, on average, more than double the time offline than sites using Apache software.

CEO Simon Poole comments: "We were slightly surprised by the unsatisfactory results. Imagine standing in front of a store that suddenly and without warning, closes for a couple of hours. It does however confirm our experience that the majority of Swiss website operators don?t know what difficulties their customers experience in accessing their services. Often serious outages go unnoticed for days."

Mr. Poole on the unsatisfactory reliability of sites utilizing Microsoft IIS-software: "We knew from some sample measurements made in preparation for this initial survey that there were a number of very unstable systems using this software, however we had never expected the level and consistency of the inferior results delivered by these servers."

Future SWePIX releases will be issued quarterly. The measurements were generated by the infrastructure operated and the innovative, Java-based software developed by SysControl AG. This system also serves as the platform for the SysControl AG end-customer services.

The following sites are the 30 best from the 100 surveyed (alphabetic order):

Datacomm, KPNQwest (EUnet), UUNET

Hotelplan, Imholz, Trottomundo

Federal, Cantonal and local Administrations:
Kanton Bern, Kanton Luzern, Kanton St. Gallen

Banks & Finance:
Borsalino, Schweizer Börse, YellowNet

CVP, SMUV, Vorort

Portals, Search Engines, Chats:
ChatBar, sear.CH, Swissguide

Basler, Helvetia-Patria, Vaudoise

Shopping & Realities:
CeDe, Orell Füssli, Ticketline

Adecco, CBA, Swissjobs

Bilanz, Blick, Edipresse

Further information on the survey is available from SysControl AG, Badenerstrasse 281, 8003 Zürich, Switzerland, email:


The Swiss companies Avantec Communication AG, GFR Software Solutions and Simon Poole founded SysControl AG in 1999. The company offers external online monitoring- and measurement services for operators and users of Internet-Services. The web server, the firewall or any Internet application can be monitored from the consumers? point of view. In the case of an outage or other problem the system, automatically generate SMS, pager, E-Mail or Fax alarms. Detailed measurement and diagnostic information is stored online and can be accessed over the Internet at any time, and allows expedient fault analysis and repair. Performance and availability graphics and statistics help the customer optimize their Internet systems. The SysControl AG services address the urgent need for security, high quality and frictionless business processes on the Internet. SysControl AG undisputedly occupies a leading-edge role in this growing market.

Media Contact

Mrs. Anja Zell, Marketing Manager
Tel.+41 1 457 13 57
Fax+41 1 457 13 58
SysControl AG
Badenerstrasse 281
8003 Zürich