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Dreamweaver 4: The Missing Manual Dreamweaver 4: The Missing Manual is a complete user's guide to Macromedia Dreamweaver. This book starts by analyzing the structure of a typical Web page, then takes users step by step through the process of creating a Web site with Dreamweaver 4, including site structuring and testing. This Missing Manual also shows how to customize Dreamweaver with libraries, templates, shortcuts, and extensions. Sample Chapter 17, Libraries and Templates, is available online in PDF format.

Exim: The Mail Transfer Agent is the official guide to Exim, written by its creator, Philip Hazel. Exim is the open source, default mail-transport agent installed on some Linux systems, and it runs on many versions of Unix. This book offers a comprehensive guide to Exim's configuration and syntax as well as to its many features, including Sendmail compatibility, lookups in LDAP servers, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, and NIS or NIS+ services. Exim: The Mail Transfer Agent also delves into complicated areas such as virtual hosting, filtering, and automatic replies. Sample Chapter 3, Exim Overview, is available online.

Managing NFS and NIS, 2nd Edition Managing NFS and NIS, 2nd Edition, is the only Unix networking book devoted entirely to NFS and the distributed database NIS. This new edition has been updated for NFS Version 3 and is based on Solaris 8. If you manage a network of Unix systems, or want to set up a Unix network, Managing NFS and NIS shows you what to do. This book provides details on how to plan and debug a network, how to manage important administrative files, such as the passwd and hosts files, and more. Sample Chapter 15, Debugging Network Problems, is available online.

Web Caching provides the technical information you need to design, deploy, and operate an effective Web caching service. This book starts with the basics of how Web caching works, then moves into topics ranging from configuring Web browsers and servers to monitoring and fine-tuning cache performance. Web Caching also covers the political aspects of caching, including privacy, intellectual property, and security issues. Sample Chapter 5, Interception Proxying and Caching, is available online.

Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Ed. Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition, shows step by step how to write a driver for character devices, block devices, and network interfaces, with examples you can compile and run. This book covers kernel version 2.4 but also includes information back to kernel 2.0. This second edition adds discussions of symmetric multiprocessing and locking, new CPUs and hardware platforms, and recently supported buses, including universal serial bus. Linux Device Drivers is the guide for anyone who wants to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system. Sample Chapter 3, Char Drivers, is available online.

Programming Web Services with XML-RPC introduces XML-RPC, a system for remote procedure calls built on XML and HTTP that lets developers connect computers running programs written in different languages on different operating systems. This book covers five XML-RPC implementations: Java, Perl, Python, ASP, and PHP--with code examples for each--so you can start developing your own distributed applications. The book also provides in-depth coverage of the XML-RPC specification. And if you want to build an XML-RPC implementation for another environment, the explanations in this book will serve as a foundation. Sample Chapter 3, Client-Server Communication: XML-RPC in Java, is available online.

Java Cookbook Java Cookbook is filled with short, focused pieces of code--designed to be useful, tricky, or both--that Java developers can easily incorporate into other programs. The book's code segments cover all of the dominant APIs and many specialized APIs, including media and servlets. Java Cookbook's comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples serves as an excellent jumping-off place for Java developers who want to get started in areas outside their specialization. Sample Chapter 18, Web Server Java: Servlets and JSP, is available online.

ADO: ActiveX Data Objects is both an introduction and a complete reference to programming with ADO, Microsoft's universal data-access solution. Covering ADO through version 2.6, this book includes chapters on the Connection, Recordset, Field, and Command objects; the Properties collection; ADO architecture; data shaping; and the ADO Event Model. The book also provides brief introductions to RDS, ADO.NET, and SQL; and it's full of code examples illustrating timesaving programming tips. Sample Chapter 3, Accessing ADO with Various Languages, is available online.

Subclassing & Hooking with Visual 
Basic Subclassing & Hooking with Visual Basic--Subclassing and hooking allow VB 6 and VB.NET developers to manipulate messages bound for objects within the Windows operating system, giving developers the means to customize Windows behavior. However, Windows is unforgiving if these techniques are used incorrectly. Subclassing & Hooking with Visual Basic demonstrates the various techniques for intercepting and modifying messages as well as the pitfalls to avoid. Developers can use subclassing and hooking techniques to determine when an application is idle, to create an automated testing application, and much more. Sample Chapter 1, Introduction, is available online.

.NET Framework Essentials provides intermediate to advanced VB, C/C++, Java, and Delphi developers with a complete technical overview of Microsoft's .NET Framework. This book takes on all the most important topics, from the underlying Common Language Runtime (CLR) to its specialized packages for ASP.NET, Web Forms, Windows Forms, XML, and data access (ADO.NET). The book also covers developing .NET components and Web services, and details each of the major .NET languages, including VB.NET, C#, and Managed C++, with working code samples for each language. Sample Chapter 6, Web Services, is available online.

[News Archive]

Shrimp Embracing the Web: Part 1--In this first of a three-part series examining the concepts behind Microsoft's .NET platform, Thuan Thai outlines distributed computing's goals, problems, and solutions. Thuan is coauthor of O'Reilly's recently released .NET Framework Essentials.

Use P2P, Go to Jail--David McOwen was a system administrator in the Georgia state university system, and he is now facing 15 years in jail and a $400,000 fine for installing Distributed.net screensavers on university computers. Richard Koman, the managing editor of O'Reilly Network's OpenP2P.com Web site, writes about the case, and he'll be a featured speaker at this September's O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services Conference.

Ximian Mono Unveiled--On the heels of Ximian's announcement of Mono, an open source .NET project, Brian Jepson dives into some code to see what developers can expect. Brian writes two similar database programs using GNOME-DB and ADO.NET and compares them in this article on the O'Reilly Network's .NET DevCenter.

An Interview with Jesse Liberty: Author of Programming C# --We asked Jesse how C# compares with other object-oriented programming languages and how C# fits into the .NET Framework. To learn more, don't miss O'Reilly's upcoming release, Programming C#.

Trojan Horse Visit our Beta Chapters site for a preview of upcoming books. Featured titles include Programming C#, Palm OS Network Programming, Learning Perl, 3rd Edition, Programming ColdFusion, Network Troubleshooting Tools, and Malicious Mobile Code.

XML-RPC Serves Up Binary Data to Go--O'Reilly software engineer Joe Johnston demonstrates how to use XML-RPC to transport binary data as base64-encoded messages and how to set up a simple Web service that creates charts with this data. Joe is also coauthor of O'Reilly's recently released Programming Web Services with XML-RPC.

O'Reilly Open Source Convention

GNOME 's Miguel de Icaza on .NET--In a conversation with O'Reilly Network publisher Dale Dougherty, GNOME founder Miguel de Icaza discusses the advantages of the .NET development environment and why the open source community should join him in developing Mono--a free implementation of .NET. Miguel will reveal the technical details this month in his O'Reilly Open Source Convention talk, Mono, an Open Source .NET.

Camel Perl Runs Sweden's Pension System--Intended only as a quickly developed backup for Sweden's Premium Pension System, the Perl-based application proved to be faster and more promising than the original commercial version--at a fraction of the cost. To get the latest on Perl from the experts, don't miss this month's O'Reilly Perl Conference 5.

IEE Call for Papers: Open Source Software Engineering--The Institution of Electrical Engineers is soliciting papers representing original, completed research on open source software engineering, especially papers providing a rigorous analysis of open source methods and tools. A great place to talk over your ideas would be this month's O'Reilly Open Source Convention.

Windows Me Annoyances

Filter Code with Java Servlet 2.3 Model--In this JavaWorld article, Jason Hunter takes an in-depth look at the new 2.3 servlet filter model. Jason coauthored O'Reilly's Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition.

Diver Blackened Network Monitors--How do you ensure that the target of a network-intrusion investigation cannot detect being monitored? Kenneth van Wyk provides an overview of the best techniques for configuring a blackened, or undetectable, network monitor. Kenneth is coauthor of O'Reilly's upcoming security book on Incident Response.

Moving from C++ to C#: What You Need to Know--In this MSDN Magazine article, Jesse Liberty discusses the issues involved in making the transition from C++ to C#, including how .NET's managed environment translates to less programmer control in C#. Jesse is the author of O'Reilly's upcoming Programming C#.

User Groups

Wisdom from the Llama--Coauthor Tom Phoenix lets you in on, among other things, the top five jokes that got cut from the third edition of Learning Perl.

Where do I begin as a Webmaster? Ron Hunsberger asked Tim O'Reilly for his perspective on what programming languages and software to learn. Rather than recommending specific technologies, Tim offers Ron four fundamental questions to consider when deciding where to begin. Tim also includes a list of useful books.

Great Auk The Mind Behind gawk: An Interview with Arnold Robbins--O'Reilly Open Source editor Chuck Toporek talks with Arnold Robbins about his involvement with gawk, publishing his book under the FSF's Free Documentation License, and what's new in his latest O'Reilly book, Effective awk Programming, 3rd Edition.

USENIX Dispatches-- A team of O'Reilly editors descended upon the annual USENIX Technical Conference in Boston and reported back on what they learned. If you couldn't be there, check out these notes and observations from the conference floor.

Open Source Bibliography V4.0--Open source is changing the nature of the software industry, but how do you find the right books to guide the way? We've just published an updated version of the ever-popular O'Reilly Open Source Bibliography. It lists the very best books, including those by other publishers.

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