The Virtual Laboratory - Resources on Experimental Life Sciences

The Virtual Laboratory

Essays and Resources on the Experimentalization of Life

The Virtual Laboratory is a digitalization project devoted to the history of the experimentalization of life. Its main focus is the interaction between the life sciences, arts and architecture, media and technology. It consists of two related parts, an archive and the laboratory.

As an archive, the VL offers numerous scans of texts and images concerning experiments, instruments, buildings, scientists and artists between 1830 and 1930 as well as categorized datasheets derived from this holdings.


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What are the new features?

The VLP data were transferred to a new system to facilitate access and research for users and institutions.

The most important new features are:

  • Upload for new VLP research data like literature, images, etc.
  • Fulltext search capabilities.
  • Extensive REST-Api support.
  • Scripts for automated uploading of larger datasets.


The data of the VLP are freely accessible under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
