IEEE VisWeek 2008

Welcome » IEEE InfoVis08

We solicit papers, posters, videos, artistic works, and contest entries for the IEEE Information Visualization Conference 2008 (IEEE InfoVis). IEEE InfoVis is the primary meeting in the field of information visualization.

Computer-based information visualization centers around helping people explore or explain data through interactive software that exploits the capabilities of the human perceptual system. A key challenge in information visualization is designing a cognitively useful spatial mapping of a dataset that is not inherently spatial and accompanying the mapping by interaction techniques that allow people to intuitively explore the dataset. Information visualization draws on the intellectual history of several traditions, including computer graphics, human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, semiotics, graphic design, statistical graphics, cartography, and art. The synthesis of relevant ideas from these fields with new methodologies and techniques made possible by interactive computation are critical for helping people keep pace with the torrents of data confronting them.

For questions, please email

» General Chair

Jarke van Wijk, Eindhoven University of Technology

» Papers Chairs

Chris North, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Sheelagh Carpendale, University of Calgary

IEEE InfoVis 2008 is part of IEEE VisWeek 2008, which will also include:

IEEE Vis 2008     IEEE Visualization Conference
IEEE VAST 2008     IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology

» Important Dates

Abstracts due (mandatory): Friday, March 21, 2008 5:00pm PDT
Full papers due: Monday, March 31, 2008 5:00pm PDT
Camera ready due: Friday, August 1, 2008 5:00pm PDT

For other deadlines and to submit your work, please click here.

IEEEComputer SocietyVGTC
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
© 2008 IEEE