Veterinrn medicna: Veterinrn medicna, 2025 (vol. 70), issue 3

Veterinrn medicna, 2025 (vol. 70), issue 3

The use of silver nanoparticles in pigs – An invited reviewReview

N Hodkovicova, M Machacek, J Cahova, J Consolacion, A Siwicki, Z Pejsak, M Svoboda

Vet Med - Czech, 2025, 70(3):77-92 | DOI: 10.17221/101/2024-VETMED  

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have attracted significant interest in veterinary medicine due to their unique properties, including enhanced stability, greater antimicrobial efficacy, and reduced toxicity compared to traditional silver salts. Their applications span various areas of veterinary practice, such as dermatology, wound management, infection prevention, drug delivery, and disinfection. This review explores their use in pigs, highlighting their role as feed additives to prevent diarrhoea, as antibacterial agents in semen extenders, and veterinary dermatology. AgNPs possess broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and...

Effects ofpraziquantel onearly life stages ofGrass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellaOriginal Paper

J Velisek, A Strouhova, M Sandova, E Zuskova, P Dvorak, A Stara

Vet Med - Czech, 2025, 70(3):93-100 | DOI: 10.17221/85/2024-VETMED  

This study aimed toassess the toxicity ofthe anthelmintic drug praziquantel inthe early life stages ofgrass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). The toxicity was evaluated based onmortality, early ontogeny development, growth, oxidative stress biomarkers, antioxidant enzymes and histopathology. Praziquantel atall tested concentrations (1, 2, 4 and 6mg/l) showed nosignificant adverse effects onthe hatching ofgrass carp. Concentrations of2, 4 and 6mg/l praziquantel caused significantly (P<0.01) higher mortality and slower growth compared with controls. Praziquantel atconcentrations (4 and 6mg/l) showed asignificant...

Effectiveness ofglycerin-oxalic acid strips and essential oils incontrolling Varroa destructor in honeybeeOriginal Paper

PR Hristov, IS Hristakov, AZ Atanasov, PA Zhelyazkov

Vet Med - Czech, 2025, 70(3):101-109 | DOI: 10.17221/94/2024-VETMED  

The decline inthe bee colony strength due tohigh levels ofVarroa destructor infestations necessitates the development ofnew control methods. This study evaluates the effectiveness ofglycerin-oxalic acid strips and essential oils inmanaging Varroa destructor. The experiment was conducted in2022 atthe experimental apiary inDebelec, part ofthe Institute ofAnimal Husbandry inKostinbrod. Six experimental groups, each treated with adifferent preparation, were compared toacontrol group ofuntreated colonies. Treatments included Beevital Hiveclean (20ml per colony), Varro Red (2ml per frame), ammonium nitrate strips (1.3mm),...

Cor triatriatum sinister with partial atrioventricular septal defect in a catCase Report

W Go, W Park, G Hwang, S An, HC Lee, TS Hwang

Vet Med - Czech, 2025, 70(3):110-115 | DOI: 10.17221/91/2024-VETMED  

A6-year-old female neutered Turkish Angora cat was referred due totachypnoea. The patient was diagnosed with cardiomegaly atalocal hospital during ahealth screening two years ago. Tachypnoea occurred one year ago. Onphysical examination, the patient presented with arespiratory rate of72breaths per minute and asystolic blood pressure of70mmHg. Thoracic radiographs revealed severe cardiomegaly, left atrium (LA) enlargement, right atrium (RA) enlargement, right ventricular enlargement, and dilation of pulmonary arteries and veins. An alveolar pattern was identified in the right and left cranial lung lobes. Echocardiography revealed a membrane...