V3VEE - An Open Source Virtual Machine Monitor Framework For Modern Architectures
An Open Source Virtual Machine Monitor Framework For Modern Architectures
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The V3VEE project (v3vee.org) creates kernel and
virtual machine monitor frameworks for modern architectures that
permit the compile-time and run-time creation of OS and run-time
environments with different structures, including those optimized
for computer architecture research, parallelism research, and use
in high performance computing. V3VEE began as an NSF-funded
collaborative project between Northwestern University and the
University of New Mexico. It expanded to include five DOE-funded
partner institutions: Northwestern University, the University of
New Mexico, the University of Pittsburgh, Sandia National
Laboratories, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It currently is
supported by the DOE's Hobbes Project (which involves 15 academic
and national labs partners) and the NSF. V3VEE is a community
resource development effort that anyone can contribute to.
Active Efforts
Palacios: An OS-independent, embeddable VMM
- Nautilus: A kernel framework for parallel run-time systems
- Philix: Tools for creating a third party OS on the Intel Xeon Phi
- The course focused on operating system design and implementation using Palacios as the example.
- Some students in the class developed components that have since been included in Palacios 1.1
Jack Lange at Northwestern taught MSIT 491 (Resource Virtualization and the Enterprise) during Winter Quarter 2009.
Peter Dinda at Northwestern taught MSIT 491 (Resource Virtualization and the Enterprise) during Winter Quarter 2007.
The Team
We are continuously looking for people to become engaged in this project. There are numerous ways to do so:
Related Projects
This project is made possible by support from the National Science
Foundation (NSF) via grants CCF-1533560 (Northwestern), CNS-0709168 (Northwestern),
CNS-0707365 (UNM), the Department of Energy (DOE) via grant
DE-SC0005343 (Northwestern, UNM, U.Pittsburgh, Sandia, and ORNL), and Sandia National Laboratories through the Hobbes Project, which is funded by the 2013 Exascale Operating and Runtime Systems Program under the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research in the DOE Office of Science.
Seed funding to help start the development of Palacios at
Northwestern was provided via a subcontract from Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) on DOE grant DE-AC05-00OR22725. Seed
funding to help start multicore guest development at Northwestern
was provided via a subcontract from Sandia National
Laboratories. Jack Lange was partially supported by a Symantec
Research Labs Fellowship. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.