Thomas Pöppelmann

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Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pöppelmann

I am a Senior Principal Engineer at Infineon Technologies AG working in the R&D organization of the Digital Security and Identity (DSI) business line of the Connected Secure System (CSS) division of Infineon. Since 2023 I am leading the Security Innovation team that consists of cryptographers and security architects. My main area of work is the definition of security architectures and the development of concepts for secured cryptographic modules, security standardization, and innovation projects. My research interests are security architecture, physical protection of cryptographic implementations, post-quantum cryptography, and practical lattice-based cryptography. In 2015 I obtained my PhD (Dr.-Ing.) on practical lattice-based cryptography under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Güneysu at Ruhr-University Bochum. You can reach me by writing an email either to (my PGP key) or


  • News: I have retrained a gtp-2 model to generate abstracts for crypto papers using the IACR eprint archive. The model available at
  • News: I am on an assignment in San Jose working as Platform Security Architect for MCU, IoT, and Automotive in the Silicon Valley office of Infineon from mid 2022 to mid 2023.
  • News: Article on the need for cryptographic agility (see Link).
  • News: I am program co-chair of CARDIS 2021 (see Link).
  • News: Article in the security ledger on PQC (see Link).
  • News: Market news by Infineon on post-quantum cryptography introducing the Aquorypt and PQC4MED projects (see Link).
  • News: NewHope Submission to NIST (see PDF). Update (07/20): Unfortunately, NewHope did not advance into NIST round 3 (see Link for a rationale). Congratulations to all round 3 submitters.
  • News: Two "SESAMES Awards" for post-quantum cryptography on contactless security chip for Infineon (see Link).
  • News: Press release by Infineon on post-quantum cryptography (see Link). See also "Woran sich Quantencomputer die Zähne ausbeißen" by Markt&Technik.
  • Award: I won the CAST/GI Promotionspreis IT-Sicherheit 2017 (see Website). Thanks!
  • Award: My co-authors and I received the Internet Defense Prize 2016 by Usenix and Facebook for NewHope.


  • My main research interests are the efficient and secure implementation of cryptographic algorithms on various target devices. This includes standard algorithms (e.g., AES, RSA, ECC) but especially so called post-quantum cryptography that could resist attacks by future quantum computers. My focus in this area is the efficient implementation of ideal lattice-based cryptography on embedded systems (e.g., FPGA, ARM, and ATMega platforms).
  • Infineon can offer internships or supervision of MSc and BSc theses in the field of secure hardware or cryptography. If you are interested in applying please drop me an email.
  • You may visit my Google Scholar, DBLP, or LinkedIn page.


  • Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • Program Committee: International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 2022 (PQCrypto), Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, 2022 (CARDIS), IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), 2021 (TCHES), Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, 2020 (CARDIS), Workshop on Malicious Software and Hardware in the Internet of Things, 2020 (MAL-IoT), International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 2020 (PQCrypto), IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), 2020 (TCHES), Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race (CYSARM), 2020 (CYSARM), International Workshop on Security (IWSEC), 2020 (IWSEC), International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America, 2019 (Latincrypt), Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, 2019 (CARDIS), IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), 2019 (TCHES), International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 2019 (PQCrypto), Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race (CYSARM), 2019 (CYSARM), Design, Automation & Test in Europ (A5 Secure Systems, Circuits, and Architectures), 2019 (DATE), International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 2018 (PQCrypto), Design, Automation & Test in Europ (A5 Secure Systems, Circuits, and Architectures), 2018 (DATE), International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering, 2017 (SPACE), Workshop on Malicious Software and Hardware in the Internet of Things, 2017 (MAL-IoT), Workshop on Malicious Software and Hardware in the Internet of Things, 2016 (MAL-IoT), Software performance enhancement for encryption and decryption, and benchmarking 2016 (SPEED-B)
  • Sub-Reviewer: CHES (2012-2017), PQCrypto (2013,2014,2017), DATE (2012-2016), DSD (2013,2014), ASAP (2014,2015), SPACE (2012-2014), PKC (2016), SAC (2013,2016,2017), and some more


  • 19.10.2024 CPS Summer School, Sardinia, Security Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
  • 30.06.2020 OTH Regensburg, (online guest lecture): Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 01.07.2020 Uni Lübeck, (online guest lecture): Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 23.03.2020 Intel, (online): New Hope - Post-quantum key encapsulation
  • 30.11.2018 DSO, Singapore: Implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 07.11.2018 ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Workshop 2018, Beijing: Future TPM
  • 07.11.2018 ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Workshop 2018, Beijing: Learning with Errors on RSA Co-Processors
  • 12.10.2018 VISA Research, Palo Alto: Implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 11.10.2018 Infineon Octobertech, Milpitas: Post-Quantum Cryptography: Challenges and Opportunities for the IT-Security Industry
  • 08.10.2018 Microsoft Research, Redmond: Post-Quantum Cryptography on Smart Cards
  • 24.09.2018 NIS Summer School 2018, Heraklion: Bridging 1st PQC-functions and principles with the smart card world
  • 05.09.2018 Graz Security Days for Industry, Graz: Post-quantum cryptography on embedded microcontrollers
  • 13.09.2018 Gemalto PQC Press Event, Munich: Practical Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 27.06.2018 SDW Expo (Secure Document World), London: Post-quantum cryptography: Challenges and opportunities for ID documents
  • 12.04.2018 First PQC Standardization Conference, Ft. Lauderdale: NewHope
  • 21.02.2018 28. SmartCard Workshop, Darmstadt: Implementierung gitterbasierter Kryptografie auf Mikrocontrolle
  • 05.01.2018 IC Design Public Seminar, Singapore: Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 07.12.2017 Embedded Software Engineering Kongress'17, Sindelfingen: Post-Quantum-Kryptographie auf Eingebetteten Systemen
  • 29.11.2017 TRUSTECH'17, Cannes: Securing the Quantum Computer World: Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 21.11.2017 The Digital Society Conference'17, Berlin: What is post-quantum security?
  • 15.11.2017 CARDIS'17, Lugano: Post Quantum Cryptography
  • 23.06.2017 TECH DAYS MUNICH, Munich: Countermeasures in the age of quantum computing
  • 17.05.2017 15. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress, Bonn: Implementation of Ideal Lattice-based Cryptography
  • 15.05.2017 Malicious Software and Hardware in Internet of Things, Siena (Panel): Do we need a holistic approach for the design of secure IoT systems?
  • 24.06.2016 Séminaire de Cryptographie, Université de Rennes (invited talk): Implementing Lattice-Based Cryptography on Embedded Devices
  • 24.06.2016 Séminaire sécurité des systèmes électroniques embarqués, IRISA, Rennes (invited talk): Post-quantum key exchange: A new hope
  • 05.06.2015 Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy, Sibenik: Implementing Lattice-Based Cryptography on Embedded Devices
  • 08.05.2015 ITS Alumni Event, RUB: Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • 17.07.2014 HGI-Kolloquium, RUB: Efficient Implementation of Ideal Lattice-Based Cryptography (slides)
  • 01.07.2014 CryptArchi 2014, Annecy, France, Implementation Challenges for Ideal Lattice-Based Cryptography on Reconfigurable Hardware (slides)
  • 06.06.2014 ClSIT Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne (invited talk): Practical Lattice-Based Cryptography
  • 04.06.2014 ISCAS'14: On the Implementation of McEliece with CCA2 Indeterminacy by SHA-3 (talk given as replacement for Santosh Ghosh)
  • 04.06.2014 ISCAS'14: Area Optimization of Lightweight Lattice-Based Encryption on Reconfigurable Hardware
  • 23.01.2014 Aric Seminar, ENS Lyon (invited talk), Practical Lattice-Based Signatures (link)
  • 14.08.2013 SAC'13: Towards Practical Lattice-Based Public-Key Encryption on Reconfigurable Hardware
  • 18.06.2013 CDC Oberseminar, TU Darmstadt (invited talk): Software Speed Records for Lattice-Based Signatures
  • 05.06.2013 PQCrypto'13: Software Speed Records for Lattice-Based Signatures (slides)
  • 25.04.2013 CITS-Oberseminar, RUB: Ideal Lattice Implementation
  • 22.11.2012 CAST-Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit, Darmstadt: Efficient Implementation of a Digital Signature Scheme Based on Low-Density Compact Knapsacks on Reconfigurable Hardware (1. Platz in Kategorie 1: Master- und Diplomarbeiten)
  • 09.10.2012 Latincrypt'12: Towards Efficient Arithmetic for Lattice-Based Cryptography on Reconfigurable Hardware
  • 12.09.2012 CHES'12: Practical Lattice-Based Cryptography: A Signature Scheme for Embedded Systems (slides).
  • 04.06.2012 CDC Oberseminar, TU Darmstadt (invited talk): Implementation of a Practical Lattice-Based Signature Scheme on Reconfigurable Hardware
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  • Most of the code (usually C and VHDL) from my papers is publicly available. If you are interested in a piece of code from my papers and can't find it please drop me an email.


  • Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

    • Thomas Pöppelmann, Wilhelm-Riehl Str. 14, 80687 Munich


    • E-Mail: