Traffic Control using tcng and HTB HOWTO

Traffic Control using tcng and HTB HOWTO

Version 1.0.1

Martin A. Brown
Network Administration

April 2006

Revision History
Revision 1.0.12006-10-28Revised by: MAB
Updating contact information
Revision 1.02003-04-16Revised by: tab
Initial Release, reviewed by LDP
Revision 0.52002-04-01Revised by: MAB
submit to tldp, rename/retitle with HOWTO
Revision 0.42002-03-31Revised by: MAB
new example, bucket crash course
Revision 0.32002-03-16Revised by: MAB
corrections and notes from Jacob Teplitsky, raptor and Joshua Heling
Revision 0.22002-03-15Revised by: MAB
links, cleanup, publish
Revision 0.12002-03-14Revised by: MAB
initial revision
Legal Notice
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. What is traffic control and how does it work?
1.2. What is htb?
1.3. What is tcng?
2. Requirements
2.1. kernel requirements
2.2. tc requirements
2.3. tcng requirements
3. Configuration examples
3.1. Using tcng to shape download only
3.2. Using a two-rate three-color meter
4. Miscellaneous Notes
5. Links and Further documentation