Lecture Notes in Informatics Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

Unternehmens-IT: Fuehrungsinstrument oder Verwaltungsbuerde?, Referate der 28. GIL Jahrestagung 10.-11. Maerz 2008, Kiel P-125, 113-116 (2008).

Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, Bonn


Rolf A. E. Mueller (ed.), Hans-H. Sundermeier (ed.), Ludwig Theuvsen (ed.), Stephanie Schuetze (ed.), Marlies Morgenstern (ed.)

Copyright © Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, Bonn


Modellierung und visualisierung digitaler pflanzen: methoden undsoftware

Georg Ohmayer


The extraction of the realistic geometry of a plant enables it's use not only for the scientific study of plant growth, but for teaching in botany and above all for computer-assisted garden \& landscape architecture. Moreover the spatial arrangement of plants and their development over time can be visualised. A variety of different methods for modelling such natural looking plants exist and powerful software is available.

Full Text: PDF

Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, Bonn
ISBN 978-3-88579-219-2

Last changed 04.10.2013 18:16:50