Nonlinear Diffusion



Nonlinear Diffusion
in Computer Vision

References + Report + Matlab

Report + Matlab

References (to be completed):

  1. R. v.d. Boomgaard, Non-linear diffusion, ISIS technical report, very incomplete draft version.
  2. Perona and Malik, Anisotropic Diffusion,
  3. Perona and Malik, Paper in nldiffusion book
  4. J. Weickert, Thesis
  5. J. Weickert, Later Paper (Coherence enhancing diffusion)
  6. M. Black, Robust Anisotropic Diffusion

ISIS Technical Report:

In a technical report (most of) the contents of the course will be available in a written form in the (near) future.

Matlab programs:

Most of the illustrations shown in the course are made with matlab. The matlab programs are collected in a zipfile and documented in a pdf file.

this page is maintained by
Rein van den Boomgaard