QuickCheck++: Main Page
QuickCheck++  0.0.3
Automated testing library
QuickCheck++ Documentation

Table of Contents


What is QuickCheck++

QuickCheck++ is a tool for testing C++ programs automatically, inspired by QuickCheck, a similar library for Haskell programs.

In QuickCheck++, the application programmer provides a specification of parts of its code in the form of properties which this code must satisfy. Then, the QuickCheck++ utilities can check that these properties holds in a large number of randomly generated test cases.

Specifications, i.e. properties, are written in C++ by deriving from the quickcheck::Property class. This class contains members not only to express the specification but also to observe the distribution of test data and to write custom test data generators.

The framework also allows the specification of fixed test data, as can be done with more traditional unit testing frameworks.

QuickCheck++ has been around since a few years now, but should still be considered an experimental, best-effort project. It comes with absolutely no warranty, see License for detail.

Why Would I Want to Use QuickCheck++?

Because you believe in test-driven development to provide better-designed, more robust, self-documented software. Moreover, you like:

How to Get QuickCheck++?

Last released version of QuickCheck++ is available from http://software.legiasoft.com/archives/quickcheck_0.0.3.tar.bz2 while current development version is available through git:

git clone http://software.legiasoft.com/git/quickcheck.git

Relation to Haskell's QuickCheck

Although QuickCheck++ was inspired by Haskell's QuickCheck, it is very loosely related, both from user and implementation points of view. We did not tried to mimic QuickCheck Haskell implementation in C++ and the interface is also very different.

We choose a more traditional, imperative implementation, both due to lack of sufficient knowledge in C++, and to the feeling it would have been awkward to use. We would however be delighted to be proved wrong and would welcome a more elegant, functional implementation.

As we are new to C++ (and hacked this quickly), our imperative implementation could also be seriously improved. We welcome patches for this one as well.


QuickCheck++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

QuickCheck++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QuickCheck++. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

We choose GPLv3 because we have a strong commitment towards free software. However, if you feel this license is overly restrictive and inadequate for your usage, we are willing to hear your arguments.

Using QuickCheck++

You can find all the examples given in this section in the file examples.cc provided with QuickCheck++.

To use QuickCheck++, you must include quickcheck/quickcheck.hh and optionally use the quickcheck namespace.

using namespace quickcheck;

Defining Properties

You can specify a property by deriving the quickcheck::Property class and implementing its quickcheck::Property::holdsFor method.

Here is a simple example. Lets assume you just wrote a function to reverse a sequence for a type named Vector. A property of a reverse function is that if you apply it to a vector twice, you should get back the original vector. With QuickCheck++, this property of your reverse function can be expressed as follows:

class PReverseCancelsReverse : public Property<Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
return xs == ys;

The property is a class deriving from quickcheck::Property, specifying the argument type (here Vector). This class must implement quickcheck::Property::holdsFor which takes a const reference to the type used when deriving quickcheck::Property, and returns true when the property holds for the given input argument (and false otherwise).

Verifying Properties

To verify a property, simply instantiate it and call its quickcheck::Property::check method.

PReverseCancelsReverse revRev;

This will output:

OK, passed 100 tests.

You can specify the number of random tests to run as the first quickcheck::Property::check argument.


would output

OK, passed 300 tests.

In case of failure, QuickCheck++ will display the faulty input, e.g.

class PReverseIsIdentity : public Property<Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
reverse(ys); // reverse done only once!
return xs == ys;
PReverseIsIdentity revId;

will output something in the line of:

Falsifiable after 2 tests for input:
  0: [-2, 1]

On average, QuickCheck++ tries shorter arguments first, so that the faulty input is easier to read and to use for debug.

Specifying a Precondition

Imagine you want to test an insertion function that should insert an element at the right place in a sorted vector. You can express the fact that your insert function preserves the fact that the vector is sorted as follows:

class PInsertKeepsSorted : public Property<Elem, Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
insert(x, ys);
return isSorted(ys);

However, if you try to verify this property as is, it will not work:

Falsifiable after 5 tests for input:
  0: 2
  1: [-4, 1, -3]

The problem is that nothing enforces the fact that the input vector should be sorted.

This can be specified as part of the property in the form of a predicate on input arguments. Only tests for which the randomly generated arguments satisfies the predicate will be taken into account. The method that acts as predicate is quickcheck::Property::accepts.

class PInsertKeepsSorted2 : public Property<Elem, Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
insert(x, ys);
return isSorted(ys);
bool accepts(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
return isSorted(xs);

However, if you try to check this property with default parameters, you will still observe problems, i.e.

Arguments exhausted after 66 tests.

To avoid looping indefinitely in the case the given predicate is never (or rarely) met, QuickCheck++ only tries a finite number of times to generate valid test cases. In our example, QuickCheck++ was only able to generate 66 valid test cases with the default allowed number of attempts (which is 5 times the number of tests to run).

You can increase the number of allowed attempts to generate valid input arguments by specifying a second argument when calling quickcheck::Property::check.

PInsertKeepsSorted2 insertKeepsSorted2;
insertKeepsSorted2.check(100, 2000);


OK, passed 100 tests.

However, if you need to increase this number of attempts to make your tests successful, you should carefully inspect the input data distribution (as explained in the next section). It is often the sign that you need a custom input data generator.

Inspecting Input Data Distribution

When dealing with randomly generated test cases, it is often important to be able to inspect input data distribution. This allows to check that all interesting cases have been covered, and that no bias is introduced due to an input predicate or a bad generator.

The simplest tool provided by QuickCheck++ for input data inspection is the quickcheck::Property::isTrivialFor predicate. This predicate should return true when the input data makes the property trivially true.

For example, if we return to our PReverseCancelsReverse example, we could consider that the property is trivially true for empty vectors and for vectors of only one element.

class PReverseCancelsReverse2 : public Property<Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
return xs == ys;
bool isTrivialFor(const Vector& xs) {
return xs.size() < 2;

When we check this property, QuickCheck++ reports the proportion of test cases that were trivial.

OK, passed 100 tests (12% trivial).

This information reassures us on the fact that both trivial and non-trivial cases were tested (with a sufficient number of the later).

Another, more powerful tool to inspect input data distribution is the quickcheck::Property::classify method which assigns a tag to any combination of input arguments. When a classifier is defined, QuickCheck++ displays the distribution of test cases amongst the tags after the test result.

For example, let's inspect our insertion test to ensure we test both insertions at head of the vector, at end of vector, and of course inside vector.

class PInsertKeepsSorted3 : public Property<Elem, Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
insert(x, ys);
return isSorted(ys);
bool accepts(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
return isSorted(xs);
const string classify(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
if (xs.empty())
return "in empty";
if (x < xs[0])
return "at head";
if (x > xs.back())
return "at end";
return "inside";

Our 100 tests (with a maximum of 2000 attempts) now gives:

OK, passed 100 tests.
  34% in empty
  32% at end
  18% at head
  16% inside

We observe that more than a third of the tests concerned the insertion into an empty vector and that only 16% of the tests were inserting inside the vector. This indicates that the combination of the default input data generator and input predicate induce a bias in our test cases.

We can further inspect generated data by adding the length of the input vector to the tag. This is equivalent to the collect combinator in original Haskell's QuickCheck, for those who know it. In QuickCheck++, there is no collect and we use the more general classify instead (we had no idea how to implement collect and it seems of limited use as the following example shows).

Redefining the classifier as:

const string classify(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
string s = toString(xs.size());
if (xs.empty() || x <= xs[0])
s += ", at head";
if (xs.empty() || x >= xs.back())
s += ", at end";
if (!xs.empty() && x >= xs[0] && x <= xs.back())
s += ", inside";
return s;

We now obtain:

OK, passed 100 tests.
  39% 0, at head, at end
  17% 1, at end
  14% 1, at head
   7% 2, inside
   6% 2, at end
   4% 3, inside
   3% 3, at end
   3% 2, at head
   2% 3, at head
   1% 5, inside
   1% 4, at head
   1% 4, at end, inside
   1% 3, at end, inside
   1% 1, at head, at end, inside

We see the problem. As the length of our vector grows, the likelihood that it is sorted decreases and empty or very small vectors are over-represented in the test input data. We will solve this using a custom generator as explained in the next section.

Custom Data Generators

There are two types of data generators:

General Purpose Generators

General purpose generators are necessary for all types that can be received as arguments by a property. The QuickCheck++ input argument generation process relies on these generators to be defined for each type involved in a property.

They take the form of a function with signature quickcheck::generate(size_t, A&) where A is the generated type.

void quickcheck::generate(size_t n, A& out);

The first argument n is a size hint that allows QuickCheck++ to increase the size of generated values as the tests progress, in order to:

Properly used, (if you generate compound members of composite data structures with a lower size hint than the one you received), it also ensures that QuickCheck++ will not try to build an overly large or even infinite data structure.

The second argument out is a reference to be initialised to a randomly generated value.

For example, here is the definition of a structure and a corresponding generator:

struct Point {
int x;
int y;
void generate(size_t n, Point& out);
void generate(size_t n, Point& out)
generate(n, out.x); // no need to decrease n here, as int is not composite
generate(n, out.y);

We could now write and verify properties taking Point arguments.

Special Purpose Generators

We have seen in our insertion example that the default general purpose generators may lead to inefficient, biased input data distribution (often when an input predicate is filtering out too many possible test cases).

When that occurs, one can provide its own custom generator by re-implementing the quickcheck::Property::generateInput method.

For example, if we modify PInsertKeepsSorted by adding a generator:

class PInsertKeepsSorted5 : public Property<Elem, Vector> {
bool holdsFor(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
Vector ys = xs;
insert(x, ys);
return isSorted(ys);
// no need for the predicate anymore as we generate only valid input
// bool accepts(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
// return isSorted(xs);
// }
const string classify(const Elem& x, const Vector& xs) {
string s = toString(xs.size());
if (xs.empty() || x <= xs[0])
s += ", at head";
if (xs.empty() || x >= xs.back())
s += ", at end";
if (!xs.empty() && x >= xs[0] && x <= xs.back())
s += ", inside";
return s;
void generateInput(size_t n, Elem& x, Vector& xs) {
generate(n, x);
generate(n, xs);
sort(xs.begin(), xs.end());

We now obtain the much better distribution:

OK, passed 100 tests.
  6% 0, at head, at end
  4% 9, inside
  4% 27, inside
  4% 19, inside
  4% 15, inside
  3% 8, inside
  3% 8, at end
  3% 7, inside
  3% 5, inside
  3% 5, at head, inside
  3% 32, inside
  3% 2, at end
  3% 11, inside
  2% 5, at head
  2% 42, inside
  2% 4, inside
  2% 34, inside
  2% 31, inside
  2% 29, inside

Data Generator Primitives

QuickCheck++ comes with generators for all primitive types and provides functions to help you write your own generators easily (see quickcheck/generate.hh).

Printing Property Names

If you would like to print the property under examination before its results, you can use the helper function template quickcheck::check which takes a message to print as its first argument and a property class as its template argument. This function will print the message, instantiate the property and verify it. Apart from the message, it takes the same arguments as quickcheck::Property::check.

For example, with the definitions of section Defining Properties and Verifying Properties

check<PReverseCancelsReverse>("that reverse cancels reverse");
check<PReverseCancelsReverse>("that reverse cancels reverse", 200);
check<PReverseCancelsReverse>("that reverse cancels reverse", 200, 600);
check<PReverseIsIdentity>("that reverse is identity");

would print

* Checking that reverse cancels reverse...
OK, passed 100 tests.

* Checking that reverse cancels reverse (200)...
OK, passed 200 tests.

* Checking that reverse cancels reverse (200, 600)...
OK, passed 200 tests.

* Checking that reverse is identity...
Falsifiable after 1 tests for input:
  0: [-2, -1, 1]

Verbose Checking

QuickCheck++ presents you with an example of faulty input when a properties fails by returning false, but what if your program get stuck in an infinite loop or crashes with a segfault?

If one of these cases occurs, you need QuickCheck++ to print the input arguments before the tests, because it will not have the occasion to do it afterwards. You can do precisely this by asking QuickCheck++ to do a verbose check when calling quickcheck::Property::check.

For example:

static int getTheAnswer(int i)
while (i < 0) {
// eat CPU cycles until interrupted
return 42;
class PBottom : Property<int> {
bool holdsFor(const int& i) {
return getTheAnswer(i) == 42;
check<PBottom>("this function is stupid", 100, 0, true);

would output something like

* Checking that this property is stupid...
Test 0:
  0: 1
Test 1:
  0: -3

where ^C stands for the Ctrl-C necessary to interrupt the process.

Verbose checking can also be useful to visually verify what the random generated input looks like.

Fixed Test Cases

Although randomly generated test cases have their utility, one should not rely on them too much to find corner cases (especially for large values, as these could not be practically generated by the framework). Instead, one should also provide carefully chosen test cases that put the tested code under stress.

Other reasons to use fixed test cases includes regression testing and common use cases (to be sure at least these work).

To use QuickCheck++ with fixed test cases as in other classical xUnit testing frameworks, use the quickcheck::Property::addFixed method. Each input data added through this function will be used as input for your property before any randomly-generated input each time quickcheck::Property::check is called.

For example, imagine the following iterative squaring function (e.g. for an architecture where multiplication is costly):

static unsigned iterativeSquare(unsigned n)
unsigned res = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
res += n;
return res;

One property of a squared number is that it is divisible by its square root:

class PSquareDivisibleByRoot : public Property<unsigned> {
bool holdsFor(const unsigned& i) {
return unsigned(sqrt(iterativeSquare(i))) == i;

If we try this, all seems to fit:

PSquareDivisibleByRoot squareDivisibleByRoot;


OK, passed 100 tests.

However, our function is not safe. It simply pass the tests because all generated values for the argument are relatively small compared to the range of unsigned integers. Let's add one test case for the biggest unsigned integer:


This time, we obtain

Falsifiable after 1 tests for input:
  0: 4294967295

indicating that our function is partial in its argument (we should document and assert accepted input values).

How to Contribute?


We are interested in feedback about utility of QuickCheck++ and its design. If you have time to give it a try, and you think something is great/stupid/could be improved, let us know.

You can contact us by mail at the address mentioned in the source or just drop a comment on our blog.


QuickCheck++ is currently just a quick hack by a non-expert C++ programmer. Code can be improved, and it should surely be extended to make the framework more complete.

If you like QuickCheck++ and you got some spare time (or if you had to implement things for your own use), we're gladly accepting patches (send them to the address mentioned in the source).


If you think QuickCheck++ is great, tell others about it. The more people know about the framework, the more people may find it useful and the more useful it becomes!