Conventional point smoke and fire detectors typically detect the presence of
certain particles generated by smoke and fire by ionisation or photometry.
Conventional sensors only aim to sense particles. An important weakness of
point detectors is that they are distance limited and fail in open or large
spaces. The strength of using video in fire detection is the ability to serve
large and open spaces.
Below are some example screen-shots
and videos of our fire, flame and smoke detection software.
Instructions for installation: -Register for a user account
-After installation run the "Fire&Smoke Detector License" application and generate
a lock code.
-E-mail the lock code to Prof. A. Enis Cetin to obtain an unlock code.
- The fire and smoke detection system works in real-time by analyzing the video data captured by an ordinary surveillance camera and a frame grabber.
- The software can be used in CCTV systems.
- Computational complexity of the software is low, streams from up to 16 cameras can be analyzed at the same time.
- The software can view, analyze, record and stream H.264 video from analog cameras using Hik-Vision compression cards.
- Supports many models of Axis, Panasonic, JVC, Flexwatch and Sony network cameras.
- Here is the user-interface of our fire-smoke detection software.
The software is developed by Prof. A. Enis Cetin who was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing between 1999 and 2003, and now he is an Associate Editor of
Journal of Applied Signal Processing.
Please contact him, if you
are interested in this software.
11. K. Tasdemir, O. Gunay,
B.U. Toreyin and A.E. Cetin, "Videoda Gece Yangini Tespiti,"
in IEEE 17th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference
(SIU-2009), 2009.
8. B.U.Toreyin, A.E.Cetin, "Real-time Fire
and Smoke Detection in Video", 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing, ICASSP'08 -Show and Tell-, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
B. Ugur Toreyin and A. Enis Cetin, "Online Detection of Fire in
Video", 2007 IEEE Comp. Soc. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR 2007), Online Learning for Classification Workshop, MN, USA,
June 2007.
B. Ugur Toreyin, Yigithan Dedeoglu, A. Enis Cetin, "Wavelet Based Real-Time Smoke
Detection in Video", 13th European Signal Processing Conference
EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya,
Turkey. 1.
Yiithan Dedeolu, B. Uur
Treyin, Uur Gdkbay, A. Enis etin, "Real-time Fire and Flame
Detection in Video",
IEEE 30th Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing, ICASSP'05,
Philadelphia, USA, 2005.