RevLib - An Online resource for Reversible Benchmarks
RevLib is an online resource for benchmarks within the domain of reversible and quantum circuit design
Universität Bremen References Cite RevLib Acknowledgements About RevLib

Welcome to RevLib!

RevLib is an online resource for benchmarks within the domain of reversible and quantum circuit design. It provides a database of functions (including HDL descriptions) with respective circuit realizations given in a appropriate format. RevLib is the main file format for RevKit, a public domain toolkit for reversible circuit design. Researchers are welcome to submit own functions or circuits to RevLib.

To learn more about RevLib, we refer to this page or our documentation. Furthermore, we would like to thank all people which helped us in building RevLib, implementing tools, and/or submitting new function benchmarks or circuits (please see this page).

Please note: The RevLib file format in Version 2.0 is available. Learn more!
Quantum gates (5)
Worst Cases (8)
ALUs (6)
Encoding Functions (8)
Arithmetic Functions (44)
Misc. (62)
Symmetric Functions (3)
HDL (SyReC) (18)

All functions (154)

MCT-library only (252)
MCF-library only (6)
P-library only (1)
NCT-library only (9)
MCT+P-library only (19)
MCT+MCF-library only (150)
EQ-library only (17)

All circuits (454)
Learn more about the file formats used at RevLib.

RevLib is the main file format for RevKit, a public domain toolkit for reversible circuit design. Furthermore, RevKit provides parsing routines for all RevLib files.

Everyone is welcome to submit own function specifications as well as new results.