The mission of the Office of Research and Economic Development is to provide leadership in research administration, support the endeavors of the University’s research community, and ensure the responsible stewardship of research activities. The Office of Research and Economic Development accomplishes its mission by minimizing the impediments to research activity, promoting research conduct that meets the highest standards of ethical integrity, and ensuring that research activity is compliant with all local, state, and federal regulations.
Need Assistance?
The Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) is comprised of various units, which serve the progressive needs of FIU’s research community. The Researcher’s Timeline outlines typical milestones in the funding process, from early conceptualization of the project to the closeout of the project, and shows which group within ORED specializes in each area. You may also find more detailed information in the 2024-2025 ORED Guide to Faculty New to FIU. If you are not sure which office to contact, please call 305-348-2494.