

  • ​把文化建设放在全局工作的突出位置

    to give greater priority to cultural development
  • ​产学研一体化

    the integration of manufacturing, education and research
  • ​城乡公共文化服务体系一体建设

    the integrated development of urban and rural public cultural services
  • ​城乡文化资源配置

    the allocation of urban and rural cultural resources
  • ​创新竞技体育人才培养、选拔、激励保障机制和国家队管理体制

    to create innovative training, selection, incentive and guarantee mechanisms for competitive sports talent, and build a management system for the national team
  • ​法治意识、契约精神、守约观念

    the awareness of the rule of law, the spirit of contract and the concept of respecting contracts
  • ​符合中国实际、具有世界水平的评价体系

    a state-of-the-art evaluation system based on the real conditions in China
  • ​高质量筹办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会

    to organize a high-quality Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics
  • ​公民道德建设、志愿服务建设、诚信社会建设、网络文明建设

    to foster civic virtue, encourage voluntary service, build an honest society, and maintain the network environment
  • ​关键时刻冲得上去、危难关头豁得出来,才是真正的共产党人。

    True Communists are those who step forward bravely and face difficulties at critical moments.
  • ​红色教育

    education on the history of revolution
  • ​教育公平

    educational equality
  • ​教育是国之大计、党之大计

    Education is a fundamental task for the country and the Party.
  • ​教育是民族振兴、社会进步的重要基石,是功在当代、利在千秋的德政工程,对提高人民综合素质、促进人的全面发展、增强中华民族创新创造活力、实现中华民族伟大复兴具有决定性意义。

    Education is an important cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progress. It is a moral and political project that benefits the present and the future. It will be decisive in improving the comprehensive quality of the population, promoting the all-round development of individuals, enhancing the innovation and creativity of the Chinese nation, and realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  • ​劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神

    the spirit of model workers and craftsmanship
  • ​马克思主义理论教育

    education in Marxist theory
  • ​农村文化基础设施网络

    rural cultural infrastructure network
  • 努力培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。

    We must foster a new generation of young people capable of shouldering the mission of national rejuvenation – young people with an all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding, imbued with the spirit of hard work.
  • ​培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人

    who and how to train, and to what end
  • ​全面贯彻党的教育方针

    to fully implement the Party's education policy
  • 社会主义文化强国

    a socialist cultural power
  • ​双一流

    Double First-Class
  • ​顺应人民意愿、符合人民所思所盼

    to focus on the concerns of the people and meet their expectations
  • ​缩小城乡公共文化服务差距

    to narrow the gap between urban and rural public cultural services
  • ​推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展

    to promote the creative evolution and innovative development of the best of traditional Chinese culture
  • ​以百姓心为心,始终与人民同呼吸、共命运、心连心

    to put ourselves in the position of the people and always share the lot of the people, with our hearts closely linked together
  • ​优先发展教育事业

    Priority should be given to education.
  • ​增加农村公共文化服务总量供给

    the supply of a full range of rural public cultural services
  • ​中国精神、中国力量、中国担当

    the Chinese spirit, strength and responsibility
  • ​中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利75周年

    the 75th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War
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