Kuat Yessenov

Kuat Yessenov

Kuat Yessenov

I was a Computer Science PhD student at MIT advised by Prof. Armando Solar-Lezama. My thesis was about automating tedious programming tasks using execution trace data and live demonstrations.

In the past, I have completed Master of Engineering degree at MIT under supervision of Prof. Daniel Jackson and had a great time working with Prof. Viktor Kuncak at EPFL and K. Rustan M. Leino at Microsoft Research.

I was a teaching assistant for Elements of Software Construction (known as 6.005, the main introductory software engineering course at MIT) twice in Spring 2009 and Fall 2008.





Using SMT solvers for deductive synthesis of cache-oblivious dynamic-programming algorithms
Data-Driven Program Synthesis
Using SMT solvers for constraint programming in Scala
Stepwise refinement of heap-manipulating code in Chalice
Unified execution of declarative and imperative code in Squander
General purpose SAT-powered bounded model checking of Java code in JForge Eclipse Plug-in
A JML front-end for Forge bounded verification called JMLForge
Course Projects


This GPG public key belongs to me. I enjoy cycling and have raced for MIT Cycling.
© Kuat Yessenov (also spelled as Kuat Esenov, Kuat Yesenov, Куат Есенов, Қуат Есенов)