The effect of classifier agreement on the accuracy of the combined classifier in decision level fusion

  title={The effect of classifier agreement on the accuracy of the combined classifier in decision level fusion},
  author={Michalis Petrakos and J{\'o}n Atli Benediktsson and Ioannis Kanellopoulos},
  journal={IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.},
The level of agreement between different classifiers used in remote sensing is assessed based on statistical measures and the increase of accuracy is observed for each combination of the individual classifications.

Figures and Tables from this paper

Evaluation of diversity measures for multiple classifier fusion by majority voting

Diversity between diferent classifers used in remote sensing is assessed statistically and shows that some diversity measures can indeed predict the performance of the fused classijiers, and should be considered on designing a MCS.

Mapping a specific class with an ensemble of classifiers

Here, five classifiers were used to map fenland, an important class for conservation activities, from Landsat ETM+data and the ensemble approach yielded class‐allocation uncertainty information that may be used to help post‐classification refinement operations and later analyses.

Classification of Remote Sensing Data using Random Selection of Training Data and Multiple Classifiers

A classifier ensemble framework for remote sensing data classification is presented that combines classification results generated from both different training sets and different classifiers to improve classification accuracy and ensure the greater diversity between classifiers in the design of multiple classifier systems.

A relative evaluation of multiclass image classification by support vector machines

Although each classifier could yield a very accurate classification, > 90% correct, the classifiers differed in the ability to correctly label individual cases and so may be suitable candidates for an ensemble-based approach to classification.

Decision Fusion on Supervised and Unsupervised Classifiers for Hyperspectral Imagery

A weighted MV (WMV) rule is proposed for decision fusion, where pixels in the same segment contribute differently according to their distance to the spectral centroid, which can further improve the performance of the original MV rule.

Rotation-Based Ensemble Classifiers for High-Dimensional Data

This chapter discusses the major issues of M CS, including MCS topology, classifier generation, and classifier combination, providing a summary of MCS applied to remote sensing image classification, especially in high-dimensional data.

Object-oriented land cover classification of HJ-1B CCD image through multiple classifier fusion

This work designs a strategy to fuse several classifiers aim to improve the land cover classification accuracy effectively and shows great potential to increase classification accuracy beyond the level reached by individual classifiers.

Results and implications of a study of fifteen years of satellite image classification experiments

There has been no demonstrable improvement in classification performance over the 15-year period, and expected relationships between classification accuracy and resolution and between accuracy and number of classes were also not observed in the data.

Combinations of Weak Classifiers

The method developed is able to obtain combinations of weak classifiers with good generalization performance and a fast training time on a variety of test problems and real applications and when the strength of strong classifiers is properly chosen, combinations ofWeak classifiers can achieve a good generalized performance with polynomial space- and time-complexity.

Classification of multisource and hyperspectral data based on decision fusion

The proposed methods are applied in the classification of multisource and hyperdimensional data sets, and the results compared to accuracies obtained with conventional classification schemes.

Hybrid consensus theoretic classification

The hybrid statistical/neural method outperforms all other methods in terms of test accuracies in the experiments and also utilizes a neural network for the optimization.

Tau coefficients for accuracy assessment of classification of remote sensing data

The Kappa coefficient is generally used to assess the accuracy of image classifications. We introduce the Tau coefficient, which measures the improvement of a classification over a random assignment

Consensus theoretic classification methods

The results obtained using consensus theoretic methods are found to compare favorably with those obtained using well-known pattern recognition methods and provide a means for weighting data sources differently.

A Generalization of Cohen's Kappa Agreement Measure to Interval Measurement and Multiple Raters

Cohen's kappa statistic is frequently used to measure agreement between two observers employing categorical polytomies. In this paper, Cohen's statistic is shown to be inherently multivariate in