Tsunami and storm deposits preserved within a ria-type rocky coastal setting (Siracusa, SE Sicily)

  title={Tsunami and storm deposits preserved within a ria-type rocky coastal setting (Siracusa, SE Sicily)},
  author={Giovanni Scicchitano and Barbara Costa and Agata di Stefano and Sergio G. Longhitano and Carmelo Monaco},
Sedimentological and palaeoecological observations, accompanied by archaeological determinations and absolute dating, have been carried out on a recent beach-barrier system succession located 20 km south of Siracusa, south-eastern Ionian coast of Sicily (Italy). Th ese deposits fi ll the back edge of a ria incised within Miocene limestones and are composed of three main stratal units characterized by distinct sedimentological features. Th e two lower units, formed by crossbedded sands and… 

Geological record of tsunami inundations in Pantano Morghella (south-eastern Sicily) both from near and far-field sources

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Combining inland and offshore paleotsunamis evidence: the Augusta Bay (eastern Sicily, Italy) case study

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The enigmatic 1693 AD tsunami in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: new insights on the triggering mechanisms and propagation dynamics

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Ostracoda in extreme-wave deposits

High energy coastal sedimentary deposits; an evaluation of depositional processes in Southwest England

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Distinguishing Tsunami from Storm Deposits in Eastern North America: The 1929 Grand Banks Tsunami versus the 1991 Halloween Storm

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Large-scale washover sedimentation in a freshwater lagoon from the southeast Australian coast: sea-level change, tsunami or exceptionally large storm?

A distinct lens of marine sand, up to 90 cm thick, confined vertically by peat, is found in the upper fill of a closed freshwater back-barrier lagoon on the southeast Australian coast. Coring of the