High resolution TEC monitoring method using permanent ground GPS receivers
@article{HernndezPajares1997HighRT, title={High resolution TEC monitoring method using permanent ground GPS receivers}, author={Manuel Hern{\'a}ndez‐Pajares and Jos{\'e} Miguel Juan and Jaume Sanz}, journal={Geophysical Research Letters}, year={1997}, volume={24}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:140546660} }
In this paper we propose a new and simple method for obtaining the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) variations from GPS permanent station data, in a very precise manner and with high temporal and spatial resolution.
33 Citations
Effects on satellite navigation
- 2007
Engineering, Environmental Science
Space weather phenomena may have a significant impact on GNSS signals. Fortunately, the GNSS technique itself provides a unique opportunity to monitor ionospheric key parameters continuously on…
High resolution mapping of TEC perturbations with the GSI GPS Network over Japan
- 1998
Environmental Science, Physics
Two‐dimensional total electron content (TEC) perturbations over Japan are mapped with the Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) GPS network, GEONET (GPS Earth Observation Network). Its spatial…
Combining GPS measurements and IRI model values for space weather specification
- 2002
Environmental Science, Physics
GPS-based ionospheric corrections for single frequency radar altimetry
- 1999
Physics, Environmental Science
Ionospheric solar flare effects monitored by the ground‐based GPS receivers: Theory and observation
- 2004
Physics, Environmental Science
[1] The ionosphere responses to a solar flare observed by using ground-based receivers of the global positioning system (GPS) are investigated in this paper. Two quantities, the total electron…
A regional ionospheric TEC mapping technique over China and adjacent areas: GNSS data processing and DINEOF analysis
- 2015
Engineering, Environmental Science
A technique is developed to derive two-dimensional maps of total electron content (TEC) over China and adjacent areas using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data from the Crustal Movement…
Precise Ionospheric Determination and its Application to Real-Time GPS Ambiguity Resolution
- 1999
Engineering, Physics
In the moderate and high activity scenarios, the resolution of the widelane double differenced ambiguities is successful for the greatest part of cases, but in the storm scenario the results are poorest, but they are better than in the case of neglecting the double difference ionospheric correction.
Solar flare detection system based on global positioning system data: First results
- 2007
Engineering, Environmental Science
Precise ionospheric electron content monitoring from single-frequency GPS receivers
- 2018
Engineering, Environmental Science
The number of existing global positioning system (GPS) single-frequency receivers continues growing. More than 90% of GPS receivers are implemented as low-cost single-frequency chipsets embedded in…
Global TEC maps based on GNSS data: 1. Empirical background TEC model
- 2013
Environmental Science, Physics
A global background total electron content (TEC) model is built by using the Center for Orbit Determination of Europe (CODE) TEC data for full 13 years, 1999–2011. It describes the climatological…
10 References
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Engineering, Environmental Science
Tomographic imaging of the ionosphere from space and ground is examined using singular value decomposition analysis, and simulations indicate that space data are significantly more effective than ground data in resolving both horizontal and vertical structures, such as the E layer.
Subdaily northern hemisphere ionospheric maps using an extensive network of GPS receivers
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Physics, Environmental Science
Ionospheric total electron content (TEC) data derived from dual-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) signals from 30 globally distributed network sites are fit to a simple ionospheric shell…
Neural network modeling of the ionospheric electron content at global scale using GPS data
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Physics, Engineering
The adaptative classification of the rays received from a constellation of geodetic satellites (the Global Positioning System (GPS)) by a set of ground receivers is performed using neural networks.…
A two‐layer model of the ionosphere using Global Positioning System data
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Physics, Environmental Science
We present a new approach to model the Ionosphere based on GPS data. Previous authors have used models with an unique shell. In this case we have included a second shell to account for the…
Estimation of the transmitter and receiver differential biases and the ionospheric total electron content from Global Positioning System observations
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Environmental Science, Physics
In the estimation of the ionospheric total electron content from the Global Positioning System (GPS) observables, various instrumental systematic effects such as the biases in the GPS satellites and…
Passive detection of sporadic E using GPS phase measurements
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Environmental Science, Physics
A passive sporadic E detection technique based on a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiving system has been developed and tested in a midlatitude environment. This system detects the small-scale…
Global ionosphere perturbations monitored by the Worldwide GPS Network
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Environmental Science, Physics
For the first time, measurements from the Global Positioning System (GPS) worldwide network are employed to study the global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) changes during a magnetic storm…
An Automatic Editing Algorithm for GPS data
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Engineering, Computer Science
An algorithm has been developed to edit automatically Global Positioning System data such that outlier deletion, cycle slip identification and correction are independent of clock instability,…
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Computer Science
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