Field-aligned distribution of the plasmaspheric electron density: An empirical model derived from the IMAGE RPI measurements
@article{Ozhogin2012FieldalignedDO, title={Field-aligned distribution of the plasmaspheric electron density: An empirical model derived from the IMAGE RPI measurements}, author={Pavel Ozhogin and Jiannan Tu and Paul Song and Bodo W. Reinisch}, journal={Journal of Geophysical Research}, year={2012}, volume={117}, url={} }
[1] We present a newly developed empirical model of the plasma density in the plasmasphere. It is based on more than 700 density profiles along field lines derived from active sounding measurements made by the radio plasma imager on IMAGE between June 2000 and July 2005. The measurements cover all magnetic local times and vary from L = 1.6 to L = 4 spatially, with every case manually confirmed to be within the plasmasphere by studying the corresponding dynamic spectrogram. The resulting model…
109 Citations
A statistical study of magnetospheric electron density using the Cluster spacecraft
- 2016
Environmental Science, Physics
Observations from the WHISPER (Waves of High frequency and Sounder for Probing of Electron density by Relaxation) instrument on board Cluster, for the interval spanning 2001–2012, are utilized to…
Evaluating the diffusive equilibrium models: Comparison with the IMAGE RPI field‐aligned electron density measurements
- 2014
Physics, Environmental Science
The diffusive equilibrium models that are widely used by the space physics community to describe the plasma densities in the plasmasphere are evaluated with field‐aligned electron density…
A reconstruction method of electron density distribution in the equatorial region of magnetosphere
- 2015
A method for the estimation of electron density from the ratio of the wave magnetic and electric field amplitude of whistler waves is developed. Near the geomagnetic equator, whistler wave normals…
Study of the Average Ion Mass of the Dayside Magnetospheric Plasma
- 2022
Physics, Environmental Science
The investigation of heavy ions dynamics and properties in the Earth's magnetosphere is still an important field of research as they play an important role in several space weather aspects. We…
A Statistical Model of Inner Magnetospheric Electron Density: Van Allen Probes Observations
- 2022
Physics, Environmental Science
Based on electron density observations between September 2012 and July 2019 from the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on board the Van Allen Probes (VAPs)…
Whistler mode radio sounding from IMAGE of field aligned electron and ion densities in the plasmasphere below 4000 km
- 2014
Environmental Science, Physics
Whistler mode sounding from IMAGE is a unique and novel method that permits remote sensing of field aligned electron density and ion composition in the altitude range 90-4000 km. These measurements…
The dependence of magnetospheric plasma mass loading on geomagnetic activity using Cluster
- 2017
Physics, Environmental Science
Understanding changes in the magnetospheric mass density during disturbed geomagnetic conditions provides valuable insight into the dynamics and structure of the environment. The mass density plays a…
Physics‐based reconstruction of the 3‐D density distribution in the entire quiet time plasmasphere from measurements along a single pass of an orbiter
- 2015
The data base of the Alpha‐3/Interball‐1 measurements was used for semiempirical 3‐D modeling of plasma distribution inside the plasmasphere for quiet (stationary) geomagnetic conditions. A 2‐D model…
A statistical study of magnetospheric ion composition along the geomagnetic field using the Cluster spacecraft for L values between 5.9 and 9.5
- 2016
Using ion density data obtained by the CODIF (ion Composition and Distribution Function analyser) instrument on board the Cluster spacecraft, for the interval spanning 2001–2005, an empirical model…
Using Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations to Develop an Empirical Plasma Density Model in the Inner Zone
- 2023
A new empirical density model is developed for the inner zone between 1 < L < 3 using plasma densities inferred from the upper hybrid resonance on Arase, and hiss‐inferred density values from Van…
41 References
Empirical specification of field‐aligned plasma density profiles for plasmasphere refilling
- 2006
Physics, Environmental Science
[1] Sounding measurements from the radio plasma imager (RPI) on the IMAGE satellite are used to derive electron density distributions along magnetic field lines in the nightside plasmasphere and…
Distribution of density along magnetospheric field lines
- 2003
Physics, Environmental Science
[1] This paper examines the field line distribution of magnetospheric electron density and mass density. The electron density distributions from IMAGE RPI active sounding are generally monotonic. The…
Electron density in the magnetosphere
- 2004
Environmental Science, Physics
[1] Observations of the electron density ne based on measurement of the upper hybrid resonance frequency by the Polar spacecraft Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) are available for March 1996 to September…
Augmented Empirical Models of Plasmaspheric Density and Electric Field Using IMAGE and CLUSTER Data
- 2009
Physics, Environmental Science
Empirical models for the plasma densities in the inner magnetosphere, including plasmasphere and polar magnetosphere, have been in the past derived from in situ measurements. Such empirical models,…
Plasma density distribution along the magnetospheric field: RPI observations from IMAGE
- 2001
Physics, Environmental Science
A new technique is introduced that remotely measures the plasma density profile in the plasmasphere. Radio plasma imager (RPI) echo observations provide echo delay time as function of frequency, from…
Plasmaspheric mass loss and refilling as a result of a magnetic storm
- 2004
Physics, Environmental Science
[1] Using the sounding measurements from the radio plasma imager on IMAGE and a plasma density inversion algorithm, we derive the plasma density profiles along the magnetic field in a few L shells…
Field line dependence of magnetospheric electron density
- 2002
Physics, Environmental Science
Observations of the electron density ne based on measurement of the upper hybrid resonance frequency by the Polar spacecraft Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) are available for March, 1996 to September,…
Latitudinal Density Dependence of Magnetic Field Lines Inferred from Polar Plasma Wave Data
- 2001
Using observations of the electron density ne based on measurement of the upper hybrid resonance frequency by the Polar spacecraft Plasma Wave Instrument, we have examined the radial density…
An ISEE/Whistler model of equatorial electron density in the magnetosphere
- 1992
Physics, Environmental Science
An empirical model of equatorial electron density in the magnetosphere has been developed, covering the range 2.25 < L < 8. Although the model is primarily intended for application to the local time…
A new model of the location of the plasmapause: CRRES results
- 2002
[1] A new empirical model of the plasmapause location has been developed using density data from the plasma wave receiver onboard the CRRES spacecraft for nearly 1000 orbits. The “plasmapause” is…