GPS-less low-cost outdoor localization for very small devices

  title={GPS-less low-cost outdoor localization for very small devices},
  author={N. Bulusu and John S. Heidemann and Deborah Estrin},
  journal={IEEE Wirel. Commun.},
This work reviews localization techniques and evaluates the effectiveness of a very simple connectivity metric method for localization in outdoor environments that makes use of the inherent RF communications capabilities of these devices.

Figures from this paper

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A high-accuracy, low-cost localization system for wireless sensor networks

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Self-Localization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks

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Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor Localization

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Analytic Study on Object Localization Systems

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Accurate Localization Technique using Virtual Coordinate System in Wireless Sensor Networks

    A. Kr
    Computer Science, Engineering
  • 2009
ALT provides a pin point location information to the Sensor Nodes (SNs) without any expense of cost or power and introduces the concept of location aware IDs for SNs, which will be highly advantageous for applications with large number of SN deployments where maintaining a unique ID for each node is difficult.

GPS-Free node localization in mobile wireless sensor networks

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Scalable, Ad Hoc Deployable, RF-Based Localization

This paper describes, validate and evaluates in real environments a very simple self localization methodology for RF-based devices based only on RF-connectivity constraints to a set of beacons (known nodes), applicable outdoors.

User Location and Tracking in an In-Building Radio Network

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A new location technique for the active office

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