Assessing the effectiveness of various auditory cues in capturing a driver's visual attention.

  title={Assessing the effectiveness of various auditory cues in capturing a driver's visual attention.},
  author={Cristy Ho and Charles Spence},
  journal={Journal of experimental psychology. Applied},
  volume={11 3},
The results suggest that spatially predictive semantically meaningful auditory warning signals may provide a particularly effective means of capturing attention.

Figures and Tables from this paper

The differential effect of vibrotactile and auditory cues on visual spatial attention

The results suggest that whilst directional congruency between a warning signal and a target event may be sufficient to facilitate performance due to the priming of the appropriate response, attentional facilitation effects may also require the co-location of the cue and target within the same functional region of space.

Multisensory aspects of the spatial cuing of driver attention

 The primary goal of the empirical research outlined in this thesis was to examine a number of the factors contributing to the design of more ergonomic multisensory warning signals, that is, signals

2 Recent studies of vibrotactile cuing

The potential use of non-visual warning signals to present spatial information to car drivers has been successfully demonstrated in several recent studies (Ho & Spence, submitted, in preparation; Ho,

Reorienting Driver Attention with Dynamic Tactile Cues

A significant performance advantage following the presentation of dynamic triple cues over the static single tactile cues, regardless of the specific configuration of the triple cues is demonstrated, pointing to the potential benefits of embedding dynamic information in warning signals for dynamic target events.

Multisensory In-Car Warning Signals for Collision Avoidance

Multisensory warning signals offer a particularly effective means of capturing driver attention in demanding situations such as driving, as explained with reference to recent cognitive neuroscience research.

Allowing for Individual Differences in Auditory Warning Design: Who Benefits from Spatial Auditory Alerts?

An auditory spatial Stroop paradigm was used to examine the effects of semantic and spatial audio cue conflict on accuracy and response time and an interaction between task type and navigational strategy indicated that people who preferred a verbal strategy responded faster to semantic content and people who prefer a spatial strategy responded quicker to location information.

Multisensory warning signals: when spatial correspondence matters

The results of this study provide support for the claim that auditory and tactile stimuli should be presented from the same direction if they are to capture attention effectively.

Using Peripersonal Warning Signals to Orient a Driver’s Gaze

The results support the claim that the introduction of peripersonal warning signals results in a significant performance advantage relative to traditionally designed warnings.

Identification of Visual Stimuli is Improved by Accompanying Auditory Stimuli: The Role of Eye Movements and Sound Location

It is speculated that the auditory signal may promote attentional ‘disengagement’ and that, as a result, observers are able to process the visual target sooner when sound accompanies the display relative to when visual information is presented alone.

A New Class of Auditory Warning Signals for Complex Systems: Auditory Icons

This simulator-based study examined conventional auditory warnings and auditory icons alone and in combination with a dash-mounted visual display, to present information about impending collision situations to commercial motor vehicle operators.

Audiovisual links in exogenous covert spatial orienting

A one-way cross-modal dependence in exogenous covert orienting whereby audition influences vision, but not vice versa is suggested, suggesting an asymmetry in the representation of space within the brain.

Localizable auditory warning pulses

The addition of noise components to the auditory warning pulse was shown to enhance the location information available to the listener, and it is suggested that some auditory warning designs will benefit from the simultaneous provision of what and where forms of information in the sounds.

Effect of same- and different-modality spatial cues on auditory and visual target identification.

These effects are interpreted as evidence of separate auditory and visual spatial attention mechanisms and that target identification may be influenced by spatial cues of another modality but that this effect is primarily dependent on the engagement of endogenous attentional mechanisms.

Use of auditory icons as emergency warnings: evaluation within a vehicle collision avoidance application.

It is argued that optimal warnings could be achieved by adjusting certain sound attributes of auditory icons, as part of a structured, user-centred design and evaluation procedure.

The Influence of Motion and Audio Cues on Driver Performance in an Automobile Simulator

Results indicate that the performance measures of yaw, lateral, and velocity deviation are significantly affected by the deletion of cues, and recommendations are made regarding simulator design criteria.

On audiovisual spatial synergy: The fragility of the phenomenon

The results support the idea that cross-modal spatial links can weaken or even disappear under certain circumstances, such as during periods of sustained attention, and suggest that individuals can select inputs from different modalities from different locations more easily than previously had been thought.