BASE OAI Interface


This documentation describes the OAI-PMH interface of Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE). BASE is an OAI search service that currently includes the contents of more than 3,000 document servers worldwide.

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What is it for?

This API is especially suitable for clients that would like to get subsets of the BASE data. For instance, it can be used by subject portals to integrate subject-specific publication metadata from BASE into their indexes.


  • If you would like to embed search results from BASE directly in your infrastructure, please consider using the BASE search API instead.
  • If you need a complete dump of the BASE data for your non-commercial project, please contact us for an initial load.

How to get Access

Access to the BASE OAI-PMH interface is IP-restricted. Non-commercial projects may apply for access by contacting us via this form. Please specify your use case and an IP or IP range from which you need to access the API. You will get an email notification as soon as your IPs have been activated.

URL of the OAI Endpoint

The OAI endpoint of this API is located at


If your IP is not registered yet (see above), you will face a custom OAI error with error code restrictedInterface when trying to access the base URL.

OAI-PMH Primer

The API implements the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). This section gives only a basic overview of OAI-PMH. For more information, please refer to the protocol specification.

Glossary of Important OAI-PMH Concepts

A repository is a server-side application that exposes metadata via OAI-PMH. In the context of this API, the repository is the BASE search engine.
OAI-PMH client applications are called harvesters.
A record is the XML-encoded container for the metadata of a single publication item. It consists of a header and a metadata section.
The record header contains a unique identifier and a datestamp.
The record metadata contains the publication metadata in a defined metadata format.
A structure for grouping records for selective harvesting.
The process of requesting records from the repository by the harvester.

OAI Verbs

OAI-PMH features six main API methods (so-called “OAI verbs”) that can be issued by harvesters. Some verbs can be combined with further arguments:

Returns information about the repository. Arguments: None.

Returns a single record. Arguments:

  • identifier (the unique identifier of the record, required)
  • metadataPrefix (the prefix identifying the metadata format, required)

Returns the records in the repository in batches (possibly filtered by a timestamp or a set). Arguments:

  • metadataPrefix (the prefix identifying the metadata format, required)
  • from (the earliest timestamp of the records, optional)
  • until (the latest timestamp of the records, optional)
  • set (a set for selective harvesting, optional)
  • resumptionToken (used for getting the next result batch if the number of records returned by the previous request exceeds the repository’s maximum batch size, exclusive)
Like ListRecords but returns only the record headers.
Returns the list of sets supported by this repository. Arguments: None
Returns the list of metadata formats supported by this repository. Arguments: None

Harvesting Records

In the OAI terminology, harvesting refers to the consecutive aggregation of metadata records from a repository. This is done by issueing an initial ListRecords request followed by potential resumption requests if the the number of records matching the inital request exceeds the maximum response batch size of the repository. In the latter case, the existence of further records is indicated by the repository through an XML element resumptionToken at the bottom of the response. The content of this element has to be provided in the subsequent request.

A valid example of an initial request would be:


The argument metadataPrefix specifying the metadata format for record dissemination is required.

Given the above request, the resumptionToken would be:

<resumptionToken completeListSize="41398100" cursor="0">

To fetch the next batch of records, the client would then need to issue the following request:


The resumptionToken argument is exclusive. Additional arguments provided with the initial request like metadataPrefix or set therefore must not be included in resumption requests. Also note that the resumptionToken XML element carries two attributes completeListSize referring to the total number of records matching the request and cursor referring to the number of records returned so far. Clients are strongly encouraged to keep track of this information and include it in issue reports about the interface.

Metadata Formats

Currently, this API supports two metadata formats: OAI-DC (Dublin Core, metadata prefix oai_dc) and BASE-DC (OAI-DC extended with custom fields, metadata prefix base_dc). Further formats may follow in the future.


The oai_dc format exposes the metadata encoded as Dublin Core. The following listing shows an example record encoded in oai_dc:

    <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc=""
      <dc:title>Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) An end-user oriented
                institutional repository search service</dc:title>
      <dc:creator>Pieper, Dirk</dc:creator>
      <dc:creator>Summann, Friedrich</dc:creator>
      <dc:description>Purpose - The purpose of this paper is …</dc:description>
        Pieper D, Summann F.: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).
        An end-user oriented institutional repository search service.
        Library Hi Tech. 2006; 24(4):614–619.
      <dc:subject>Bielefeld Academic Search Engine</dc:subject>


The base_dc format extends the Dublin Core format with extra elements containing information that has been added or normalized by BASE. These elements are listed in the following table.

XML Schema:
Additional XML elements of base_dc
Element Value Format Description
author_id contains 2 XML elements: <creator_name> and <creator_id>
autoclasscode 1-3 digit Dewey number Automatically assigned Dewey number.
classcode 1-3 digit Dewey number Manually assigned Dewey number.
collection BASE collection name Internal identifier of original repository. May contain the XML attributes opendoar_id and/or ror_id.
collname full collection name Full name of the original repository.
continent 3 digit code (see below) Continent of provenance (repository).
country ISO 3166 country code Country of provenance (repository).
creator_id URI ORCID iD written as a URL
creator_name character string repeats a name also given in <creator>
doi URI DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of this document
global_id Free text (in UTF-8) copy of identifier from the record header
lang ISO 639-2/B language code Three-letter document language code normalized by BASE, or unknown.
link URI Canonical link to the repository splash page.
oa 1 digit code Open Access status (0 = Not Open Access, 1 = Open Access, 2 = unknown)
rightsnorm controlled list see below Licensing information normalized by BASE.
typenorm alphanumeric code Alphanumerically encoded normalized document type.
year 4 digit year Normalized publication year.

Below is the example record from the previous section encoded in base_dc (an ellipsis […] marks abbreviations made for readability):

    <base_dc:dc xmlns:base_dc=""
      <dc:title>Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) An end-user oriented
        institutional repository search service</dc:title>
      <dc:creator>Pieper, Dirk</dc:creator>
      <dc:creator>Summann, Friedrich</dc:creator>
        <base_dc:creator_name>Pieper, Dirk</base_dc:creator_name>
        <base_dc:creator_name>Summann, Friedrich</base_dc:creator_name>
      <dc:description>Purpose - The purpose of this paper is …</dc:description>
      <dc:subject>Bielefeld Academic Search Engine</dc:subject>
      <dc:rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess ;</dc:rights>
      <base_dc:classcode type="ddc">020</base_dc:classcode>
        opendoar_id="2294" ror_id="02hpadn98">ftubbiepub</base_dc:collection>
      <base_dc:collname>PUB - Publications at Bielefeld Uni…</base_dc:collname>

Record Headers


The unique identifier in the record headers consists of the OAI identifier assigned by the original repository, prefixed with the internal BASE repository identifier. For instance, in the following example identifier

the original identifier was and the prefix ftubbiepub: is BASE’s internal name for the repository of Bielefeld University, “PUB”.


The datestamp element in the record header contains the date of harvesting into BASE.

Deleted Records

This OAI-PMH interface does not keep track of deleted records.

Date Ranges

OAI-PMH allows selective harvesting by date via the from and until parameters. In the BASE OAI-PMH API, the semantics of these dates is the date of harvesting, i.e., when the content was fetched from the original repositories into the BASE infrastructure. For instance, to get all contents that have been included into BASE from May to June 2012, you could use:

If you would like to filter for the date of publication instead, please specify a dynamic set using the date field (see below).

Dynamic Sets

Traditionally, OAI-PMH structures content into collections by using sets. However, the protocol does not support combinations of multiple sets. To overcome this static nature of OAI sets, this API uses dynamic sets (inspired by DataCite’s OAI interface).

This means that you can specify sets using the Solr query syntax field:value.

For instance, if you would like to filter for manually classified records from the field of economics from Germany, you could use the following set:*+country:de

The supported fields are documented in the next section.

Indexed and Normalized Fields

BASE puts considerable efforts into the normalization of the (often heterogenously used) Dublin Core fields harvested from the original repositories. This section gives an overview of the queryable fields, their contents, and (if applicable) their normalization. The fields can be queried by using dynamic sets, as described in the previous section.

Overview of Indexed Fields

Queryable fields.
Field Value Format Description
autoclasscode 1-3 digit Dewey number Automatically assigned Dewey number.
classcode 1-3 digit Dewey number Manually assigned Dewey number.
collection BASE collection name Original repository.
continent 3 digit code (see below) Continent of provenance (repository).
contributor Free text (in UTF-8) Contributor to the publication
country ISO 3166 country code Country of provenance (repository).
creator Free text (in UTF-8) Author of the publication.
date Free text (in UTF-8) Date of publication.
deweyfull 1-3 digit Dewey number Manually + automatically assigned Dewey numbers.
description Free text (in UTF-8) Abstract.
format Free text (in UTF-8) Document format (e.g., MIME).
identifier Free text (in UTF-8) Document identifier (e.g., URI).
lang ISO 639-2/B language code Document language as 3 letter code normalized by BASE, or “unknown”.
language Free text (in UTF-8) Document language as in the original repository.
link URI Canonical link to the repository splash page.
oa 1 digit code Open Access status (1 = “Open Access”, 2 = “unknown”)
person Free text (in UTF-8) Authors + contributors.
rightsnorm controlled list see below License information normalized by BASE.
subject Free text (in UTF-8) Subject headings.
title Free text (in UTF-8) Document title.
typenorm alphanumeric code Alphanumerically encoded normalized document type.
year 4 digit year Normalized publication year.

Document Types

As the categorization of document types is very heterogenous across repositories, BASE normalizes them by mapping types into consistent categories which are identified by a numerical code. The table below lists normalized document types, which can be queried by using the field typenorm.

Numeric codes for normalized document types.
document type numeric code
text 1
book 11
book part 111
journal/newspaper 12
article in journal/newspaper 121
other non-article part of journal/newspaper 122
conference object 13
report 14
review 15
course material 16
lecture 17
thesis 18
bachelor thesis 181
master thesis 182
doctoral or postdoctoral thesis 183
manuscript 19
patent 1A
musical notation 2
map 3
audio 4
image or video 5
still image 51
moving image (video) 52
software 6
dataset 7
other/unknown material F

Example Query:

Filter for books:

Encoding in the base_dc format:


Continents and Countries

BASE keeps track of the origins of its contents by storing the continent and country of the original repositories. Countries are encoded by using ISO 3166 country codes. Continents are encoded as shown in the following table:

Codes for continents.
Continent Code
Africa caf
Australia cas
Australia/Oceania cau
Europe ceu
North America cna
South America csa
Web server without geographic relation (org) cww

Country Example Query:

Filter for documents from Germany:

Encoding in the base_dc format:


Continent Example Query:

Filter for documents from North America:

Encoding in the base_dc format:


Subject Classification

The BASE index supports the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) for subject categorization. The assignment of Dewey classes to documents is established in two ways:

  1. manually for contents from repositories that use the DDC.
  2. automatically through machine learning-based document categorization.

Depending on their origin, the Dewey numbers are either stored in the field classcode (for manually assigned numbers) or autoclasscode (for automatically assigned numbers). The field deweyfull can be used for querying both manually and automatically classified documents.

Example Queries:

Filter for mathematical documents (manually and automatically classified):*

Filter for manually classified mathematical documents:*

Filter for automatically classified mathematical documents:*

Encoding in the base_dc format:

<base_dc:classcode type="ddc">510</base_dc:classcode>

Conversely, if the class was assigned automatically, it would look like this:

<base_dc:autoclasscode type="ddc">510</base_dc:autoclasscode>

Open Access Status

BASE indexes the Open Access status of full text documents where this information is available. The status is stored numerically encoded in the field oa.

Encoding of Open Access
Status Code Description
0 Not Open Access
1 Open Access
2 Unknown

Example Query:

Filter for Open Access documents:

Encoding in the base_dc format:


Licensing Information

A great variety of values for the dc:rights field can be encountered in the wild. BASE maps those values it can recognise onto the following list of license codes. No attempt is made to recognise version numbers.

Encoding of licensing information
Rightsnorm Code Description
CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC-BY-NC-SA Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
CC-BY-ND Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives
CC-BY-NC Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution
CC0 Public Domain Dedication
PDM Public Domain Mark

Example Query:

Filter for Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licensed documents:

Encoding in the base_dc format:
