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707-987-9322 info@bushindo.com


"Ancient Arts for Modern Times"

Online Training Now Comes with Every Course – Binder Manual Mailed

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Choose IBDA as your Bujinkan affiliation by getting your ID Card here


We offer You so much more!!


IBDA has set the bar for so many aspects of the arts.

The Bujinkan Arts offer so much. There is a reason that the Ninja and Samurai arts it represents have lasted well over 1,000 years. It was developed and redefined in real life and battle contexts not in a garage dojo by a guy that borrowed from 6 arts to make his own. We study many ancient schools in our training and as well as their application in modern combat situations.

Our Mission is to share the arts as a Path of Personal Transformation and Way of Life. Our Primary Goal is to keep the Bujinkan teachings alive.

“Ancient Arts for Modern Times”

In a nutshell this is the lifestyle path that IBDA BUJINKAN DOJO ASSOCIATION offers.

  • The entire focus of IBDA is on “Living Empowered” as a martial artist and a human being. Not just in martial skill, but in mind, body, spirit and life. Shin Gi Tai Ichi is the goal from the beginning.

  • “Ancient Arts for Modern Times” has been our theme since late 1980s.

  • Warrior – Monk training.. a non-religious spiritual path where you learn the arts of Awareness, Meditation, and even Kuji-In. We use the NIN symbol on our uniforms.

  • Our Martial Skill Taijutsu focus is totally Ninpo Taijutsu and Budo Taijutsu is studied as well. Our IBDA issued ranks are in Ninpo Taijutsu.

  • Ranking is based on 3 things: specific knowledge learned at every level, your taijutsu ability, and your character development. You will earn the ranks and you can be proud of your grade because you know that you earned it well enough to teach it.

  • Godan Sakki Test for 5th dan given by Doshi. We have a 10 dan system (with 5 elemental levels) – No 15th dans.

  • Teachers Training Course – You will be trained how to teach responsibly and can earn several teaching titles.

  • Knowledge Library- Unprecedented Bujinkan learning and study materials from Beginner to Master Teacher. At the Dojo, supplement Binder/DVD Courses or All Online Study Portal – Study AnyWhere at AnyTime. Phone App!

  • GroundFighting – Ninpo Ne Waza all taken from the Bujinkan schools methods.

  • Amatsu and Junan Taiso body conditioning

  • Bujinkan fight finishes. Not just submission and stop.

  • Realistic combat – No wimpy training. See Combat Ninjutsu DVD. All punching styles – not just ichimonji. Resistance training. Countering drills.

  • Weapons – ancient, exotic and modern – How to training and defense methods

  • 18 Skills of the Ninja

  • IBDA Master Council to carry the art art forever. Almost 40 years of excellence.

  • Join our lineage!! Become a training Member Today!!


    Our responsibility at IBDA, International Bujinkan Dojo Association, greatly increased when Hatsumi-Sensei retired and passed the Sokeships of the 9 schools to individual Senior DaiShihan.
    Separate Sokeships changes everything! Whether we want it to be or not Japan training will never be the same without Soke Hatsumi and the split of schools. The Hombu Dojo closing indefinitely from the virus did not help the process of these huge changes. My allegiance is to my teacher and the arts. During this transition time Hatsumi-Sensei granted IBDA and myself Doshi Richard Van Donk full permission and his deepest blessings to carry on the Bujinkan arts in the way that I feel is best. IBDA honors him so much and is dedicated to carrying Hatsumi-Sensei’s wisdom teachings forward as we have for our near 40 years of offering the arts worldwide. We have the most solid foundation possible and our IBDA Masters Council will continue the arts forever no matter what happens in or out of Japan.

    IBDA has a very comprehensive strategic learning standard while many other dojos do not. You can count on solid knowledge for your earned rank. You can count on our instructors to know the material and because they all must pass a Teacher Training Course and learn specific knowledge to earn their Shodan and do a realistic knife take away battle in the process of earning it. We ensure quality and knowledge that you can trust. Not all Bujinkan Dojos offer the vast array of training that IBDA does and few have gone the distance that Doshi has.

    We now have many Bujinkan kyu level and high level Blackbelts wanting to switch their training affiliation to IBDA. We fully support helping everyone we can. Our challenge is that Bujinkan rank requirements vary from dojo to dojo. Very few of them require 50% of the knowledge or taijutsu ability that we require. We strongly feel that the arts cannot continue without a solid learning-ranking structure or a solid organization. If you are in this position, Let’s chat. We have a simple accelerated path process for whatever hombu level grade that you have. Just contact the office at info@ninjutsu.com or 707-987-9322 call/text.

    At IBDA… International Bujinkan Dojo Association we have revolutionized our training, are excited about the future and are happy to have you training with us.


Bujinkan Masters Course


We take you from Beginner to Master in our 25+ year proven strategic system.



Beginner to Master Strategic Systematized Training.

  • We Ship Worldwide!
  • We Pioneered Distant Learning- Step-by-Step Video lessons and detailed picture BINDER Manuals MAILED to you!
  • Strategic Systematized learning system to 10th Dan


Online Training Comes with Every Course – Binder Manual Mailed

  • Worldwide Training in the Ninja Dojo. Computer AND Phone / Tablet APP Access!
  • 25 yr Distant Learning Program
  • Japan Authorized Affiliation with Soke Hatsumi
  • Online Training comes with Every Course – Binder Manual Mailed!!


Find an IBDA Bujinkan dojo nearest you.

  • WorldWide Base of Instructors
  • Will the Next One Be You?
  • IBDA instructors are trained in order to be our instructors.
  • Become a Shidoshi (teacher of the Empowered Warrior Ways) Complete Training Available.


Join the White Tiger Inner Circle, BOOK a Private Training

  • Doshi can personally Accelerate Your Learning Curve
  • Teach you to Learn the Arts right the first time
  • All Levels or Affiliations
  • IBDA Rank Testing Available
  • Be and Live Empowered
  • Be Mentored of just book a private to polish your skills or rank test.

BE MENTORED - In ALL aspects of the Arts!

Doshi Richard is NOW taking a few MENTORSHIP students- Is this for YOU?

TO LEARN MORE https://www.bushindouniversity.com/WhiteTigerInnerCircle or
SEND a request E-mail to info@bushindo.com


"Taking YOU from Beginner to Master in our 30+ year proven strategic system"

Beginner to Master Strategic Systematized Training

Online Training Now Comes with Every Course – Binder Manual Mailed



  • Complete Strategically Mapped Out System
  • Worldwide International Bujinkan Dojo Training
  • We Pioneered Distant Learning Programs – Step-by-Step Video Lessons Online and detailed Picture Binder Manuals Mailed
  • Learn Ninpo Taijutsu – Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu


  • Japan Authorized Affiliation with Soke Hatsumi since 1985
  • Strategic Systematized Learning System to 10th Dan
  • Teachers Training – Become Certified to Teach and share the arts.
  • Get the Entire Master Course at Once or just get a course at a Time!


They have succeeded so can you.

Ninjutsu Black Belt Course has benefited my physical and spiritual path, it was the most exciting experience in my life, Shihan Van Donk’s positive energy than enhanced my personality and let me growth as a better human being.

Shidoshi Luis Bernal - 10th Dan

El Salvador Instructor, Bujinkan

“I am truly grateful for all the advice and encouragement I have received from Shihan Richard Van Donk throughout my training and I would recommend beginners to advanced students to seek out his advise in improving your skills.”

Shidoshi Alfred Reid, 9th Dan

Ireland Instructor, IBDA Bujinkan

“I felt very lost on my path in life and Shihan Van Donk has helped set me on the right course. I feel very blessed to be studying under him. Everyone should be this lucky!!!”

Shidoshi Brian Sumpter, 10th Dan

West Virginia Instructor, IBDA Bujinkan

Ninja Dojo Online Training Opportunity

International Bujinkan Dojo Association Dojos

Shodan (1st Degree), Teacher Training, Nidan (2nd Degree), Sandan (3rd Degree), Yondan (4th Degree), Godan, Budo Taijutsu, Ninja Weapons Courses, much more. Over 55 DVDs in over 700 instructional video clips, 14 CDs, 8 large step-by-step How-to picture Manuals, 5 study books, over 2,500 study pages, note pages, community interactive learning, and a measured study progress method. PLUS built in Instructor Teacher’s Training Certification! And the Ninja Dojo Online is growing everyday! PLUS 18 Skills of the Ninja Section. Ten Chi Jin (Heaven Earth and Man teachings) Lots of FREE Bonuses, including Tai Kai dvds and Old Hatsumi footage NEVER before released to the general public. Several Training Options
 https://www.bushindouniversity.com/bujinkan-masters-training   www.NinjaDojo.com 



International Bujinkan Dojo Association Dojos


  • Ninja Dojo Online Start For $37- Earn Your BlackBelt and be an Instructor one day.
  • YouTube Ninjutsu Channel  – Over 75 FREE video clips
  • Facebook – Public – Ninjutsu FREE Study Group
  • Facebook – Private – For IBDA Members Only
  • Ninja: Way of Life Community (Members Only)
  • Shinken Magazine – Posted in the Ninja Dojo Members Area

We are a community and love to share the arts together whether in the Dojo, training online in the Ninja Dojo, in Facebook studying Ninjutsu or posting our questions or knowledge with no nonsense training only group or visiting the YouTube Ninjutsu channel that has well over 95 video clips just waiting to be watched. Join the fun and teachings today and share your voice with the Bujinkan world.

International Bujinkan Dojo Association


Opportunities with the International Bujinkan Dojo Association (IBDA)

  • Study the arts 24/7
  • Strategic Learning
  • 25 Years of Training available in course form
  • Start For $37! Ninja:Way of Life Course
  • Become a Certified IBDA Ninpo Taijutsu Instructor
  • Belong to a growing Community

Practitioners are studying the Ninjutsu and Budo Taijutsu arts worldwide now. The International Bujinkan Dojo Association IBDA has had a strong position in offering the world the teachings of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi for over 35 years now. 

We have a dedicated mission to help those without reputable certified teachers in their area have the opportunity to study the art until a teacher develops near them or they become one themselves.

This process, although not always appreciated by those that do not understand our goal and how much we help people with our program, has been highly successful. At IBDA we have worked very hard at creating a trust able standard and a study curriculum that is 2nd to none.

Join IBDA Membership Today and get Your ID Card Plus many more benefits like a patch, and downloadable certificate



Courses! Dvd’s! Training Gear! Cds! Manuals!
Books! Patches! Memberships!


It is important to get the best education that you can so that you can be the best martial artist that you can be. You will find our information very comprehensive and very educational. Enjoy your Training! Visit http://store.Bushindo.com

I am an ALL-IN type of guy when I decide to do something. To me if it is worth doing at all then it needs to be done well and without compromise – especially if I am going to be spending a lot of my time doing it. So I want all the information that I can get on the subject so that I can master it for myself. If you are like me then this course may be for you. ONLINE https://www.bushindouniversity.com/bujinkan-masters-training

The Ninjutsu Bujinkan Masters Course is the result of me going ALL-IN for over 35 years to study with my teacher Soke Masaaki Hatsumi in Japan and taking endless notes and massive research to codify his Ninja teachings. These are my study materials and I offer them to you in an ALL IN ONE Package. So here it is….. Everything you need to study to achieve the level of Godan – 5th degree BlackBelt and Master Teacher level with IBDA. And this includes my Shidoshi Teacher Training Course and some advanced weapons training. It even includes my own personal training notes on the original Shidoshi teachings called the Ten Chi Jin(Heaven, Earth and Man). For more information or to enroll go here https://store.bushindo.com/ninjutsu-masters-course/ 

Our Mission Statements

International Bujinkan Dojo Mission Statement


“Taking you from Beginner to Master” IBDA LOGOOur IBDA mission is to provide students and new Buyu friends worldwide with the best knowledge of Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu possible directly as it is taught by Soke Hatsumi and Shihan Van Donk. We offer a solid Ninjutsu standard that you can trust and be proud of. Your rank will have meaning and you will know why you earned it as it will be an indication of learned knowledge. IBDA is committed to offering the most comprehensive Ninjutsu training available on the planet. We start by getting students started on the training as a new life path where everyone starts at 9th kyu and works their way to mastership. They decide the level and dedication of their journey. Our goal is to first bring them to Shodan (1st degree Blackbelt where they learn a very solid overview of the entire Bujinkan teachings, then train them to be a Shidoshi (teacher of the Warrior ways of Enlightenment) where they learn budo taijutsu wazas school by school and a how to teach martial arts course, then we help them to get a successful training group or full time dojo started, then we guide them into becoming a Shihan (role model for others) with teachings to Judan. Doshi Richard Van Donk (direct student of Hatsumi-Sensei who awarded Doshi a Bujinkan 15th Dan DaiShihan) is very committed to teaching teachers and to empowering every person he meets to be the very best human being they can be and to further encourage them to be a living example for others to follow.




EW_Logo_Our Bushindo University mission is to encourage all beings on the planet to be more joyfully aware, respectful, responsible human beings thereby creating a world without conflict, a sustainable Earth, a human culture of living kindness, and more unity in the world through living our personal diversity.

We do this by offering martial arts, Enlightened Warrior teachings, Inner Mastery, Seminars, Japan trips, Private sessions, Skype Sessions, Dojo teachings, study materials that are designed to better your life and teach you Personal Empowerment.