Books and Thesis

Books and Thesis

Please submit your thesis and books via online submission system. We are interested in monographs, scripts, diploma thesis, master thesis, dissertations, postdoctoral thesis and books. Please contact us for further information.

Title Author Description Download
Serodiagnosis of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Muhammad Munir, Muhammad Abubakar, Siamak Zohari and Mikael Berg This book highlights current concepts and technologies in the serodiagnosis of Peste des Petits Ruminants.
Proceedings of International Livestock Dairy & Poultry Congress 2013 International Livestock Dairy & Poultry Congress 2013, ABSTRACT BOOK Proceedings of International Livestock Dairy & Poultry Congress 2013 arranged by Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association In collaboration with Livestock and Dairy Development Department Punjab, Pakist
SAMPLE COLLECTION GUIDE Muhammad Zubair Shabbir, Arfan Ahmad, Muhammad Nauman Zahid, Jawad Nazir, Haroon Akbar "The manual highlights techniques being used for the collection of diagnostic and research specimens from pets and livestock"
INFORMATION SECURITY VOLUME 1 "Understanding Operating Systems Principles and Practices" Muhammad Adeel Javaid The OS plays an important role for the entire computer system. Providing a system interface, which allows users the ability to access the computer system, is a principle function of any operating sys.
INFORMATION SECURITY VOLUME 2 "Psychology of Security and Threat Analysis" Muhammad Adeel Javaid This book is intended for the study of computer security. It reviews the factors that influence security decisions for home computer users. It can also be used as a textbook in a one- or two-semester
INFORMATION SECURITY VOLUME 3 "Security and Data Breach Prevention" Muhammad Adeel Javaid If you exchange information internationally, you must strengthen data protection. Those are two sides of the same coin.
Basic Cell Culture Techniques Manual Muhammad Nauman Zahid, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir, Arfan Ahmad, Jawad Nazir, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor, Muh Introduction of Cell Culture, Cell Culture Equipment, Techniques in Cell Culture, Culturing BHK and Vero Cell Lines,
DNA Extraction from Experimental Samples Ihsan Ullah, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Nauman Zahid DNA Extraction Procedures
CLINIC FIELD CATTLE DISEASE VETERINARY GUIDE Dr. Fathy Ahmad Osman, Dr. Huda Ibrahiem Mostafa Gaadee Animal health care, Diseases, Common Diseases of cattle and care