The Porthole
Short sharp looks at science
The Importance of Muscle
In his new book, Michael Joseph Gross explores how the notion of strength has changed since Homer
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Why Elephants Rarely Get Cancer
What snakes, ferrets, and elephants are revealing about cancer resistance
Argue Your Way to a Fuller Life
Refute your friends and family, never be satisfied. Philosopher Agnes Callard on life lessons from Socrates.
Balloon-Borne Telescopes Take Off
Stratospheric balloons are giving astronomers sharper views of the universe
These Physicists Want to Ditch Dark Energy
The idea that mysterious stuff speeds up the acceleration of the universe could be a big mistake
Ukrainian War Widows on the Edge
Adventure therapy takes on the challenge of helping war-torn families
David Lynch Opens a Portal to Our Minds
I use the filmmaker’s work in my psychology lab to understand how we make sense of an unsettling world
How We Solved the Hole in the Ozone
A scientist’s first-hand account shows the world can tackle a global environmental crisis.
The Sean Carrolls Explain the Universe
Why are we here? Is there life on other planets? The renowned scientists who share a name share their answers to life’s big questions.
The Soviet Rebel of Music
He composed on a computer in a dangerous time. His echo is still heard today.
How Whales Could Help Us Speak to Aliens
Learning to decode complex communication on Earth may give us a leg up if intelligent life from space makes contact.
The Perils of Early Springtime
How shifting seasons are altering allergies and agriculture -
Ballooning Around Venus
A scientist floats a new idea for exploring Earth’s twin -
Hidden Dragon
Prizewinning image shows a leafy seadragon expertly camouflaged in seagrass -
Learning Medicine from Animals
Biologist Jaap de Roode on his 3 greatest revelations while writing Doctors by Nature: How Ants, Apes, and Other Animals Heal Themselves -
Rockets Are Blasting the Environment
At launch sites, rockets are leaving a trail of damage to wildlife, vegetation, and water -
Animals Are More Rational Than You Think
What we can learn from alligators that lure birds with twigs -
The Creative Nest
How decorating work spaces supports art making -
The Collective Power of Ants
A group of ants beats a group of humans at problem solving -
Breathing New Life into Found Objects
A conversation with Nautilus cover artist Katherine Streeter. -
Wolves Reintroduced Themselves to America
How the godfather of wolf conservation in Canada sees wolf recovery across the border -
The Language of Tree Rings
Turning tree ring science into art -
Courtship Is a Risky Endeavor
A winning image shows stag beetles in an epic fight for a mate -
The Caterpillars That Can Kill You
But their toxic compounds could yield useful medicines -
Life in an Atmospheric Zoo
Journalist Carl Zimmer tells the story of the science of aerobiology -
Out from the Darkness
A winning photograph shows a shadowy image of an elusive bear -
The Unnatural History of Bird Flu
H5N1 is a human creation -
The Hallucinatory Thoughts of the Dying Mind
Delirium exposes the gap between the ideal and the reality -
When Other People’s Chewing Causes You Pain
Social relationships might shape a neurological disorder -
Death by a Thousand Pecks
The bay where kelp gulls are killing off baby whales -
Birds of a Feather Talk Together
Some birds may use songs to help each other migrate